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The time to change a clutch on a 1998 Chevrolet Cavalier can vary depending on the skill level of the person performing the job. On average, a professional mechanic may take about 4-6 hours to complete the job. It is recommended to consult the repair manual for your specific vehicle for detailed instructions.

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Q: What is the book time to change a clutch on a 98 cavalier?
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My buddy works at Toyota Direct in Columbus, Oh and he said they would charge for about 10 hours of Labor.

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well depends on the driver, but you only change a clutch when it dont work, if its starts slipping then its time to change if its not broken dont fix it.

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Most of the time it is because of a bad slave cylinder that does not hold pressre or is leaking. They use brake fluid and to check them look at the CLUTCH MASTER CYLINDER near the firewall.

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If it is a brand new clutch, it's not broken in yet, which is why it "sticks". Give it some time, though, and it will stop "sticking". It took a half mile of stop and go traffic for mine to stop doing that with my new performance clutch.

When was Time for a Change - book - created?

Time for a Change - book - was created in 1993.

Should you press Clutch and brake at the same time when driving?

You use the clutch to change gears or stop. Not necessary when slowing down.

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Its a pretty extensive job and I believe the book time is somewhere around 12-14 hours.

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Press the set button then within 10 seconds press the seek and scan buttons to change the time.

What would cause a Daewoo lanos to burr loudly when you push your clutch in.. what could it be?

Sounds like the thrust bearing is worn, gearbox out to change this, may as well change clutch at same time.

What should it cost for clutch replacement on a 2001 rav4?

Parts,$300 and the book time for a 4x4 Rav is 12hrs as the engine/trans have to come out as a unit to replace the clutch.