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Q: What is the body cavity that contains the lungs heart aorta esophagus and the trachea is known as the?
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What cavity contains the mediastinum?

The mediastinum contains the heart and its large vessels, the trachea, thymus, lymph nodes, aorta, esophagus and bronchi. It is divided into superior and inferior regions, the latter subdivided into anterior, middle, and posterior parts.

What organs are located in the mediastinum?

Organs located in the mediastinum include the heart, thymus gland, esophagus, trachea, and major blood vessels such as the aorta and pulmonary arteries. The mediastinum is the central compartment of the thoracic cavity, situated between the lungs.

Where is the mediastnum?

The mediastinum is the "middle" section of the chest cavity. Organs located in the mediastinum include the heart, the aorta, the thymus gland, the chest portion of the trachea, the esophagus, and lymph nodes.

What is the main structure located in mediastinum?

The main structure located in the mediastinum is the heart, which is surrounded by other vital organs such as the thymus gland, esophagus, trachea, and major blood vessels including the aorta.

Where is heart and aorta and esophagus and trachea located?


How is the human mediastinum compare to the cat mediastinum?

The mediastinum is an undelineated group of structures in the thorax. In a human, this contains the heart, esophagus, trachea, phrenic nerve, cardiac nerve, thoracic duct, thymus and lymph nodes. In a cat, it includes just the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea and thymus gland.

What is the name of the space in between the lungs where the heart is found?

this is the thoracic cavity, the space between the neck and the abdomen, this contains the lungs, heart & the main artery called the aorta, the lungs are covered by a membrane called the pleura which holds the lungs in situ and is the area affected by pleurisy, if air or gasses are allowed to permeate this area outside the lungs the vacuum that enables breathing is compromised and a collapsed lung can occur.

What is the name of the cavity that the heart is found in?

The heart is in the thoracic cavity in a part called the mediastinum. It is protected by the pericardium, a membranous sac that surround the heart. The mediastinum is that space in the thoracic cavity between the lungs that contains the heart. It also contains the aorta, esophagus, trachea and thymus.The pleural cavity is the space in the chest between the lungs.

What organs and structures are located in the mediastinal space?

The mediastinal space contains the heart, major blood vessels such as the aorta and vena cava, esophagus, trachea, thymus gland, and lymph nodes. It is located between the lungs and extends from the sternum in front to the vertebral column in the back.

Which body cavity houses the heart lung and aorta?

The thoracic cavity contains the heart and lungs. The large artery (aorta) that comes off the heart is there as well.

Is located in the mediastinum?

HeartThe heart, the aorta, the thymus gland, the chest portion of the trachea, the esophagus, lymph nodes and important nerves.

What region of the chest contains the heart aorta esophagus trachea bronchial tubes and thymus?

the area present between two lungs in chest cavity is called mediastenum.this is the place where heart is present.The mediastinum lies between the right and left pleuræ in and near the median sagittal plane of the chest. It extends from the sternum in front to the vertebral column behind, and contains all the thoracic viscera excepting the lungs. It may be divided for purposes of description into two parts: an upper portion, above the upper level of the pericardium, which is named the superior mediastinum; and a lower portion, below the upper level of the pericardium. This lower portion is again subdivided into three parts, viz., that in front of the pericardium, the anterior mediastinum; that containing the pericardium and its contents, the middle mediastinum; and that behind the pericardium, the posterior mediastinum.