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Q: What is the better type of pollination?
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What type pf pollination occurs in flamboyant flowers?

Flamboyant flowers are typically pollinated by bees, birds, and butterflies as they are attractive to these pollinators due to their bright colors and nectar. This type of pollination is known as biotic pollination, where living organisms play a role in transferring pollen between flowers.

What type of pollination does conifers use?

Conifers typically rely on wind pollination, where pollen is carried from male cones to female cones by the wind. This type of pollination is common in plants that do not have showy flowers or rely on animals for pollination.

Which type of pollination is better self or cross pollination?

Both types of pollination have advantages. Self pollination allows a plant to reproduce even if there are no other plants of the same type nearby. Cross pollination can serve to prevent the extinction of a species due to a lack of genetic variation.

What type of pollination in hibiscus?

Hibiscus plants can be both self-pollinating and cross-pollinating. They are primarily pollinated by bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, who transfer pollen between flowers as they feed on nectar. Hibiscus flowers can self-pollinate when the pollen from the anther is transferred to the stigma within the same flower.

What animals help in agent pollination?

The type of agents that help in preforming pollination are birds, and type of insects, wind, water (such as rain), and any type of weather.

What type of pollination does sunflower does?

self i think

Can a flower plant have more than one kind of pollination?

No, a flower plant typically has one specific type of pollination method. The method can be either self-pollination or cross-pollination, but a flower is not capable of having multiple types of pollination simultaneously.

Why is self pollination better than cross pollination?

Cross pollination results in hybrid seed formation. Hybrids in general are vigorous than self pollinated plants due to additive gene action.

How do flowers help meet their needs?

The flowers help plants in attracting pollinators for cross pollination. Cross pollination creates genetic diversity for better adaptability.

What type of pollination takes place in maize?

Maize is primarily wind-pollinated, as the male flowers (tassels) release pollen that is carried by the wind to the female flowers (silks) for fertilization. Insects can also play a role in maize pollination, but wind is the dominant method.

The type of organism produced by cross pollination and has different characteristics as a result is?


The type of organism produced by cross pollination and has different characteristics?

The type of organism produced by cross pollination is a hybrid. Hybrids often exhibit a combination of characteristics from the parent plants, resulting in a unique set of traits. This genetic variability is a key advantage of cross pollination in breeding programs.