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The best fermentation container depends on personal preference and the type of fermentation being done. Options include glass jars, ceramic crocks, stainless steel containers, or food-grade plastic buckets. Look for a container that is non-reactive, easy to clean, and has a secure lid to prevent contamination.

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Q: What is the best fermentation container?
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How can you tell when fermentation is taking place?

The characteristic flavor and aroma of lactic acid can indicate that fermentation is occurring. In a sealed container, an increase in pressure from carbon dioxide indicates that a fermentation process is underway.

How come fermentation does not need carbon dioxide?

comes from the acid building up at the bottle of the container.

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Using a balloon during fermentation allows gases (like carbon dioxide) produced by the fermentation process to escape without allowing contaminants from the air to enter the container. This helps prevent spoilage and ensures that the fermentation occurs in a controlled environment.

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A fermentation bottle can vary in appearance, but typically it is a glass container with a narrow neck and airtight lid. It may have a valve or airlock to release excess gas produced during fermentation. The size of the bottle can range from small for personal use to larger vessels for commercial production.

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Alcohol fermentation ~apex~<3

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What best summarize lactic acid fermentation?

glucose> lactic acid+energy