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Q: What is the benefit of evaluating conditions after a disaster occurs?
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Who do you call when a natural disaster occurs?

If a natural disaster occurs it is highly unlikely you would need to call anyone.

Is tornado is a disaster or a natural calamity?

A tornado is both. A calamity is a disaster. A tornado is a disaster that occurs naturally, and would thus be consideted a natural calamity or natural disaster.

Why is flood a natural disaster?

because it occurs naturally.

Why is disaster management?

disaster management is introduced to reduce the effect of the natural disaster in case it occurs. it also provides awareness among the people to protect themselves during the disaster.

What is the difference between an accident and a disaster?

Accident is one which occurs in a particular area and confined to the limits whereas disaster is an accident spreading to neighbouring areas and usually occurs in largescale.

What is disaster relief?

Disaster relief is a funding program of the United States federal government. When a natural disaster occurs, disaster relief funds are distributed throughout the area for humanitarian efforts.

Why is disaster management introduced?

disaster management is introduced to reduce the effect of the natural disaster in case it occurs. it also provides awareness among the people to protect themselves during the disaster.

What nutural disaster often occurs in Venice?

in the portal imajanasshin

What natural disaster occurs in Brazil?

Mainly floods and droughts.

What is the main natural disaster that occurs in Asia?

earthquake and related tsunami.

Why do prices rise when a disaster occurs?

Because it's harder to get things.

What natural disaster occurs at the end of The Luck of Roaring Camp?
