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Q: What is the bedrock of the Army profession?
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What town does the flinstones live in?

The name of the town in Flintstones is Bedrock.

What is the oldest corps in the history of the army?

Well it depends on which army you are talking about. Actually it does not matter what army you are talking about. From the Romans to the U.S. military the oldest profession in an army is Infantry!

Where do the flint stones live?

Bedrock! "from the, town of Bedrock"

What profession did Joan of Arc have?

Before joining the French army, she had no profession other than being a simple peasant girl who help her parents around home and on their small farm.

What was geprge Washington profession before president?

He spent most of his adult life as a military officer, first in the British army, then he was commander of the US Continental army.

Why did a roman civilian join the army?

Because he needed a job. Soldiering was an honourable profession in Roman times.

What physical characteristics of the bedrock are responsible for the oldest bedrock remaining at the highest elevation?

because bedrock is nice

Where did Fred flinstone live?

The flintstones live in the town of Bedrock. It gets its name from the fact that it is build on bedrock.

What is deeper bedrock or humus?

Bedrock. Humus is decaying organic matter, and most organisms live above bedrock.

How do I get more answers for my husband joining the army?

Try the link below , they have many answers regarding the military as a profession .

Name a profession where you get to wear boots all day?

Construction Cowboy Firefighter Army Farmer Police Officer

Which shakes more in an earthquake- Sandy soil or bedrock?
