

What is the basis of science?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Empiricism, experimentation/The Scientific Method,and relative subjectivity form the core basis of science

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Science is based on numbers, numbers do not require science.

Why is Imagination important to science?

because science are basis on imagination after imagination we can do experiment.

Is physics needed for animal science and or veterinary science?

Not directly, but it's the basis of physiology.

What organism formed the basis for the science of genetics?

Pea plant

What is your basis in identifying whether a belief or practice is based on science and technology?

The basis in identifying whether a belief or practice is based on science and technology is just looking at its features and attributes. Anything that relies on scientific methods will definitely fall under science and technology.

What is theoretical and experimental?

Theoretical refers to a proposition derived on the basis of the laws of science whereas experimental refers to those derived from experiments or trials.Theoretical refers to a proposition derived on the basis of the laws of science whereas experimental refers to those derived from experiments or trials.Theoretical refers to a proposition derived on the basis of the laws of science whereas experimental refers to those derived from experiments or trials.Theoretical refers to a proposition derived on the basis of the laws of science whereas experimental refers to those derived from experiments or trials.

What are the two general categories of science?

There are three, the primary being physics, as it is at the basis of all science, then chemistry, which links into biology!

What is your basis whether a belief or practice is based on science and technology?

it is called scientology

Differentiate science from superstitious beliefs?

a superstitious belief a statement which has no basis or true-to-life basis while scientific practice has a facts and basis through observationand experiments an of cousre experiences.

What would happen if there wasn't any science?

There was a period of history in which science was not known to the human race. Instead of science, mythology and superstition were the basis of human understanding of the world.

What characteristics Of a civilization usually provides a sound basis for advances In art and Sciences?

The stability in the empire provides a sound basis for arts and science.

The science of naming and classifying organism is called?

Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics.