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The base word is "chant" which is latin for "song." To enchant is to fill with song or magic, and enchantment is an action that fills a person or thing with song or magic.

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4w ago

The base word of enchantment is "enchant."

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What part of speech is the word enchantment?

Enchantment is a noun.

Does enchantment have 2 syllables?

No, the word enchantment has three syllables. The syllables in the word are en-chant-ment.

What is a sentence for the word enchantment?

The enchantment filled room was filled with fancy trinkets and such.

What is the root word of enchantment?

The root word of enchantment is "chant," which comes from the Latin word "cantare" meaning "to sing." Enchantment originally referred to the act of singing or reciting magical spells or charms.

Can you give a sentence for word enchantment?

Example sentence - New Mexico is referred to as the Land of Enchantment.

What is another word for ecstasy?

bliss, blessedness, heaven, happiness, enchantment, delight, enthusiasm

What is the synonym of enchantment?

There is no single synonym for enchantment. Fascination, mesmerized, and enthrallment are both good synonyms for enchantment. Sometimes enchantment has a "magical" connotation to it, but any of those will work for you.

What is the abstract noun for spell?

The noun 'spell' is an abstract noun as a word for a short, indefinite period of time; a word for a formula or words believed to have magic power; a word for a state or period of enchantment. The abstract noun form of the verb to spell is the gerund, spelling.

When was The Divine Enchantment created?

The Divine Enchantment was created in 1900.

When was The Uses of Enchantment created?

The Uses of Enchantment was created in 1976.

When was A Florida Enchantment created?

A Florida Enchantment was created in 1914.

How many pages is The Amaranth Enchantment?

The Amaranth Enchantment is 308 pages.