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As of 2012, we don't have any conclusive proof whatsoever that there are any bacteria or other life on Mars. As long as we don't even know whether there is life on Mars at all, it's hard to tell what it would be like should it exist.

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As of now, there is no confirmed evidence of any bacteria or life forms on Mars. The possibility of bacterial life on Mars is still being explored through various missions, such as the Mars rover missions conducted by NASA.

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Q: What is the bacteria on Mars?
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What is the size of bacteria and viruses on Mars?

Bacteria can vary in size, but typically range from 0.5 to 5 micrometers in diameter. Viruses are generally smaller, with diameters ranging from about 20 to 400 nanometers. These sizes are compatible with potential microbial life on Mars, but no conclusive evidence has been found yet.

Was their life on Mars in the past?

There is no conclusive evidence to confirm that there was life on Mars in the past. Some scientific studies suggest that Mars may have had conditions favorable for microbial life in the distant past, but this has yet to be definitively proven. Further exploration and research are needed to provide more insights into the possibility of past life on Mars.

Did astrologists find life on Mars?

As of now, there is no definitive evidence of life on Mars found by astrologists. Various missions to Mars, such as the Mars rover missions by NASA, have searched for signs of past microbial life but have not yet confirmed its existence. The search for life on Mars is ongoing with future missions planned to further investigate the possibility.

Will there ever be life on Mars again?

well...... we can't say yes but also not, if NASA ever launch a manned mission to mars might simple plants can be seeded and might be the start of life on mars and if the NASA did not launch a manned mission to mars might be not but human civilization can survive on mars so if earth ends mars should be seeded with life because it contain all condition for life to exist and in these day one more way of life on mars NASA spacecraft can can increase green house effect on mars so with these if it rain on mars than anyway there can bacteria exist and other life forms

When can you get to Mars?

Several steps must be done before a civilization can thrive on Mars. Mars is a cold, barren land so the first steps would be to get a greenhouse effect on Mars.. building factories that actually produces gasses to warm the planet. With a rise in temperature the ice caps on the North pole will start to melt giving mars a liquid.. this step will take about 50 to 70 years to warm Mars. After that the bacteria moss will be introduced to Mars where CO2 can be changed into oxygen for life . It will take about 50 to a 100 years to make Mars livable. It is only a thought for now but I really think is possible

Related questions

Is there ufos in Mars?

There is proof of snow and Bacteria on Mars, but I'm not sure about the UFO's.

Does Mars have any bacteria?

no because no life can live there

What is the size of bacteria and viruses on Mars?

Bacteria can vary in size, but typically range from 0.5 to 5 micrometers in diameter. Viruses are generally smaller, with diameters ranging from about 20 to 400 nanometers. These sizes are compatible with potential microbial life on Mars, but no conclusive evidence has been found yet.

What hypotheses would be supported if liquid water were found on Mars and contained evidence of bacteria-like organisms?


What kind of Bacteria does Scientists think was or is on Mars?

they think that it has some of earths type of bacteria and others no known to mankind.

Does Mars have alliens?

It may be that there are some bacteria on Mars; there is even the possibility that life originated on Mars and arrived on Earth via meteorites - which would make us all descended from Martians!

What are the observations that there is life on Mars?

On mars it is hard to believe but there is a form of bacteria on planet Mars scientists are still trying to figure out if there might be other forms of life on Mars so in the 2018 scientist will send a spaceship there to see really close for et on Mars.

What is endangered and lives on mars?

So far, we've not discovered ANYTHING living on Mars. There may be simple life forms such as lichen or bacteria, but even there, we have no evidence of this. So there are no "endangered" species on Mars.

What is the biggest animal on Mars?

Nothing. Probably some long-dead bacteria or whatnot.

Does mars have any living resources?

Many scientist beleive that there is water on mars(living resouce of O2)and have already found bacteria on mars' atmosphere.They are still seaching for living resources that once belonged to earth.

Are we from Mars?

Us - NO. But life MAY have originated there billions of years ago and migrated here - as bacteria.

What was the purpose to see Mars?

The purpose was because the scientists wanted to know if there was h20 or some kind of bacteria so after a few years, humans could live in Mars.