The average temperature in Oban, Scotland, in January is around 7°C (45°F). However, temperatures can vary from year to year.
The average temperature in January in Oban, Scotland ranges from 3°C to 7°C. It is usually quite cool during this month with a chance of rain showers.
The average temperature in January in Hamsterfest, Norway is around -4°C, while the average temperature in July is around 16°C.
The lowest average temperature in Fort Lauderdale, FL is around 60°F in January.
The average temperature in January in Oban, Scotland ranges from 3°C to 7°C. It is usually quite cool during this month with a chance of rain showers.
In January the average temperature is 21o F
January Average Temperature: Min 21°C, Average Temperature: Max 36°CAverage Rainfall: 35mm
the average temperature in the month of January in Kingman Arizona is 31.40 degrees Fahrenheit. has the average temperatures
The average temperature for Rome, Italy in January is 46 degrees F. They receive about 6 hours of sunshine a day in January, with an average high temperature of 54 degrees F and a low of 37 degrees F.
the average temperature in the wetlands in January ranges from 30, 40, 50 degrees.F
The average temperature in Madagascar is 18.5 degrees C (65 degrees F).
July the average temperature is 20.1 degrees Celsius
The average temperature for Portugal is 52 degrees Fahrenheit [11 degrees Celsius] in January. The average maximum temperature for January is 57 degrees Fahrenheit [14 degrees Celsius]. The average minimum temperature for January is 46 degrees Fahrenheit [7 degrees Celsius].
The change is 7 Celsius degrees (NOT degrees Celsius).
july is 54F january is 20F