The average summer temperature in Chad, Africa, typically ranges from 25-40 degrees Celsius (77-104 degrees Fahrenheit). This can vary depending on the region of Chad and the specific month.
The average summer temperature in Texas for 1997 was approximately 82-86°F. Temperature can vary slightly depending on the region within Texas.
July is the average warmest month in the grasslands. January is usually the coolest month. Summer temperatures can be over 100 degrees.
In many regions, summer weather can be hot due to increased temperatures and longer daylight hours. However, the level of heat experienced can vary depending on the location and climate of the area.
1150 celcius
The average temperature in Bybanks, Kentucky varies depending on the season. In the winter months, the average temperature can range from 20-40°F, while in the summer months it can range from 70-90°F. It is best to check a current weather forecast for the most up-to-date information.
The average summer temp in Nome, Alaska is 18.3°C (65°F)
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30 degree Celsius
65 degrees
the average temp in the summer for the UK is 70F.
In July it is 22°C (72°F).
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it may reach 40°C in summer.
Summer temperatures rarely go up to 40 degrees Celsius> That's 104 degrees Fahrenheit
The average high temperature in summer in Wisconsin typically ranges from 75°F to 85°F. However, temperatures can vary depending on the region within the state.
Connecticut is the warmest of all New England states temps usually 87-98 degrees in the summer. In Connecticut droughts are familiar in some parts of the state. The second warmest is Massachusetts particularly in the south eastern part of the state average temp 85-95 summer droughts unusual. The comes Rhode island average summer temp 82-93 droughts uncommon. New Hampshire average summer temp 79-88. Vermont slightly cooler than New Hampshire average summer temp 78.5-86. In both New Hampshire and vermont drought is very uncommon. Then in Maine average summer temp 76-84.5 drought rare.
The temperature in Alberta during the summer varies across the province. The average across the province would be around 24 degrees celcius