The average annual temperature in Swaziland is around 68°F (20°C). It experiences mild temperatures throughout the year due to its elevation and proximity to the coast.
Annual Average Temperature (F): 76.4 Annual Average High Temperature (F): 85.9 Annual Average Low Temperature (F): 69.1 Annual Average Precipitation (in): 43.9
It is the average annual temperature for a place.
Too dangerous to measure its temperature. :-)
On a map of average annual temperature why are the lower latitudes so much warmer than the higher latitudes?
The average annual temperature in London from 1960 to 2008 was around 11-13°C. The average annual rainfall during this period was around 600-700 mm. These values can vary slightly from year to year due to natural climate variability.
Annual Average Temperature (F): 76.4 Annual Average High Temperature (F): 85.9 Annual Average Low Temperature (F): 69.1 Annual Average Precipitation (in): 43.9
Average Temperature (F) annual 56.3 Average High Temperature (F) annual 63.8 Average Low Temperature (F) annual 49.1 Average Precipitation (in) annual 30.4
It is the average annual temperature for a place.
46.05°F annual average.
Too dangerous to measure its temperature. :-)
The average annual temperature is 50 degrees Fahrenheit
The annual average minimum is 8.7 degrees CelsiusThe annual average maximum is 20.9 degrees CelsiusThe average daytime temperature in January is 28.8 C.The average daytime temperature in June is 14.2 C.Annual average rainfall is 500mm
The country with the highest average annual temperature is Burkina Faso, located in West Africa. Its temperature averages around 28-30 degrees Celsius annually.
I posted this question and no one has answered it well hope that there is a reply soon! God bless you and have a good day/night. Peace out! :) :) :) :) Heather Average temperature is 30 degrees in January, 76 degrees in July, annual average 54.5 Average January low 21, high 38; average July low 66, high 87