The Boxing Day tsunami, also known as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, had its epicenter near the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The approximate coordinates of the epicenter were between 3.3 degrees North latitude and 95.8 degrees East longitude.
Approximate latitude: 28°N to 12°S Approximate longitude: 93°E to 140°E
Australia's approximate latitude ranges from 9° to 44° S and its longitude ranges from 113° to 153° E.
Hungary's approximate latitude is 47.1625° N and approximate longitude is 19.5033° E.
The southeast corner of Arizona is located at approximately 31.3322° N latitude and 109.0526° W longitude.
What is the approximate longitude and latitude of Kogali rwanda?
The Boxing Day tsunami, also known as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, had its epicenter near the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The approximate coordinates of the epicenter were between 3.3 degrees North latitude and 95.8 degrees East longitude.
Approximate latitude: 28°N to 12°S Approximate longitude: 93°E to 140°E
Argentina: Approximate latitude: 34 degrees South Approximate longitude: 58 degrees west
Approximate latitude: 44°40′N Approximate longitude: 111°6′W
What is latitude and longitude of Cincinati? Mmm... GOOD Answer Guys o_e
Australia's approximate latitude ranges from 9° to 44° S and its longitude ranges from 113° to 153° E.
longitude-111 miles latitude-102 miles
Hungary's approximate latitude is 47.1625° N and approximate longitude is 19.5033° E.
Approximate latitude: 9°30′N to 15°N Approximate longitude: 2°30′E to 5°W
The southeast corner of Arizona is located at approximately 31.3322° N latitude and 109.0526° W longitude.
New Zealand is located at latitude -40.900557 and longitude 174.885971.