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It is called excretion, scientifically.

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Q: What is the answer to when living things get rid of waste substances that the body has made?
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Why do the living things need to get rid of waste?

it because they are very harmful to the body

Why can people defecate?

It is a process that evaluation has developed in living things to remove waste from their body including toxins

How do living things get rid of waste?

Living thing can get rid of waste like plants get rid of waste by putting their waste in their leaves and animal has three excretory organ from which they get rid of waste. Name of organ are Kidney Lungs Skin

Why is blood important to living things?

cause it carries nutrients to the also collect all waste in the body

What substances are being filtered in kidneys?

cellular waste created by the living cells in our body are filtered through the kidney and are turned into urine and bile

What are the seven characteristics of living things and their example?

The seven characteristics of living things are: organization (cells in a human body), metabolism (digestion in animals), responsiveness (plants bending towards sunlight), growth (increase in size of a puppy), reproduction (mating in birds), homeostasis (regulation of body temperature in mammals), adaptation (camouflage in chameleons).

What functions are being able to metabolize grow digest food and excrete watse?

In order to be categorized a "living" thing, it must perform 7 essential functions: 1. Feeding - All living organisms need to take substances from their environment to obtain energy, to grow and to stay 2. Movement - All living organisms show movement of one kind or another. All living organisms have internal movement, which means that they have the ability of moving substances from one part of their body to another. Some living organisms show external movement as well - they can move from place to place by walking, flying or swimming. 3. Breathing or Respiration - All living things exchange gases with their environment. Animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. 4. Excretion - Excretion is the removal of waste from the body. If this waste was allowed to remain in the body it could be poisonous. Humans produce a liquid waste called urine. We also excrete waste when we breathe out. All living things need to remove waste from their bodies. 5. Growth - When living things feed they gain energy. Some of this energy is used in growth. Living things become larger and more complicated as they grow. 6. Sensitivity - Living things react to changes around them. We react to touch, light, heat, cold and sound, as do other living things. 7. Reproduction - All living things produce young. Humans make babies, cats produce kittens and pigeons lay eggs. Plants also reproduce. Many make seeds which can germinate and grow into new plants.

What organ rids body of waste materials?

The kidney is the organ primarily responsible for removing waste products from the body. It filters waste and excess substances from the blood to produce urine, which is then excreted from the body through the urethra.

What part of your body help to get rid of waste?

The liver helps metabolize and eliminate waste from the body by breaking down toxins and filtering out harmful substances from the blood. The kidneys also play a crucial role in eliminating waste by filtering the blood to remove waste products and excess substances, which are then excreted as urine.

Where does waste fluids your body go?

Waste fluids from your body are filtered by the kidneys to remove toxins and excess substances. These fluids are then excreted as urine through the urinary system.

What is the process of filtering waste from body called?

The process of filtering waste from the body is called excretion. This process involves removing waste products, toxins, and excess substances from the body through organs such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin.

How come urine has things?

Urine contains waste products and excess substances that the body needs to eliminate, such as water, salts, and urea. These components are filtered from the blood by the kidneys and passed out of the body through the urinary system as urine.