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Q: What is the angle of inclination of the equator from the horizontal?
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What is the angle between the ramp and the horizontal?

The angle of inclination.

Angle of inclination of a line?

In the context of satellites, the inclination angle is the angle between the equator and the polar orbit. The polar satellite has high angle of 90 Deg and the Geo SAT has angle of 0 Deg

What is the angle of inclination of the surface of a rock unit or fault measured from a horizontal plane?

Hold a ruler level, then slope the ruler to an angle of 45 degrees. The inclination of the ruler is now 45 degrees. So if rock has been altered as to be unlevel, then the angle from the level is the rock beds inclination.

What is inclination and declination?

Inclination is the angle between the orbital plane of a planet or satellite and the reference plane, usually the ecliptic for planets and the equator for moons. Declination is the angular distance of a celestial object above or below the celestial equator. It is analogous to latitude on Earth.

Is the earths dip the same everywhere in the world?

No, the Earth's magnetic dip angle varies at different locations on Earth. The magnetic dip, also known as inclination, is the angle between the magnetic field lines and the horizontal plane, and it changes as you move from the magnetic North or South poles towards the equator.

a force P making angle of 30° with the horizontal bused to push a box of 10kg up and inclined plane with the angle of inclination of 30° with the horizontal. calculate the value of P?

300 beacuse 10x30=300

What is the percentage slope of a 4 12 roof pitch?

The angle of inclination off horizontal is roughly 18-1/2o.

Is latitude the vertical line or horizontal?

Lines of latitude run east-west as circles parallel (or horizontal lines) to the equator. Latitude measures the angle in degrees north or south from the equator where the equator is located at 0 degrees.

What is the horizontal force when a force of 20N is inclined at an angle of 30 to horizontal?

The horizontal force can be calculated using the formula Fhorizontal = Fcos(θ), where F is the given force (20N) and θ is the angle of inclination (30 degrees). Plugging in the values, we get Fhorizontal = 20N x cos(30) ≈ 17.3N.

What is the angle of Earth's spin?

Angle of inclination is a fancy term for earths tilt. So the angle of inclination is 23 1/2 %.

What is a horizontal angle?

A horizontal angle is an angle between lines on a horizontal plane.

What is horizontal as opposed to at an angle?

this is horizontal: ---------------------------- / / this is at an angle: / / /