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Q: What is the advantage of binary fussion for prokaryotes?
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What cell division do most prokaryotes reproduce?

they reproduce by to be specific Binary Fussion

What is the advantage of binary for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

What is the advantage of binary fission prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

What is advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

Is the advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes?

Binary fission enables them to reproduce quickly.

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Binary Fussion.

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Binary fussion

What is the advantage of binary fission for prokaryotes They can fight disease. They can vary their shapes. They can adapt easily to any environment. They can reproduce quickly.?

They can reproduce quickly.

What is cell division in prokaryotes called?

Cell division in prokaryotes is called binary fission. During binary fission, the cell's DNA is duplicated and the cell divides into two daughter cells, each containing a copy of the genetic material.

What is the reproducing process of prokaryotes?

binary fission

What is a prokaryotes that reproduces by binary fission?


What is the reproductive method of prokaryotes?

binary fission