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The actual concentration of H2SiF6 would depend on the specific solution or compound being referenced. Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the exact concentration of H2SiF6.

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Q: What is the actual concentration of H2SiF6?
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What is the balanced equation for na2sio3 plus hf producing h2sif6 plus naf plus h2o?

The balanced equation for the reaction between sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) to produce hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), sodium fluoride (NaF), and water (H2O) is: 3Na2SiO3 + 12HF → 2H2SiF6 + 6NaF + 9H2O

What is the difference between pH and hydrogen ion concentration?

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale ranging from 0 to 14, while hydrogen ion concentration refers to the actual amount of H+ ions present in a solution. pH is calculated based on the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration, where a lower pH value indicates higher hydrogen ion concentration and greater acidity.

What is anhydrous basis?

Anhydrous basis refers to expressing the concentration of a substance without considering any water present in the sample. It is commonly used in chemistry to provide a more accurate representation of the actual concentration of the substance of interest. By expressing values on an anhydrous basis, any water content in the sample is excluded from the calculations.

What kind of concentration does passive transport go to?

From high concentration to low concentration.

Do substances in diffussion move with the concentration gradient?

Yes, substances in diffusion move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, following the concentration gradient. This process continues until equilibrium is reached, with equal concentration on both sides.

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The balanced equation for the reaction between sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) to produce hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), sodium fluoride (NaF), and water (H2O) is: 3Na2SiO3 + 12HF → 2H2SiF6 + 6NaF + 9H2O

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Osmosis is the process that occurs when water moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane. In osmosis, water molecules pass through the membrane to equalize the concentration of solutes on both sides.

What is the difference between relative concentration and precise concentration?

Relative concentration gives you a comparison of two or more solutions, telling you which has a higher concentration of some solute than the other. Precise concentration would normally be expressed in terms of moles per liter, and it tells you the actual amount of a solute that is present in a given volume of solution.

Why is it necessary to standardize the NaOH solution before titration?

Standardizing the NaOH solution before titration is important to accurately determine its actual concentration. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the titration results by eliminating any discrepancies that may arise from variations in the concentration of the NaOH solution.

What is the concentration of alcohol in terms of molarity in blood if the BAC is 0.08?

The concentration of alcohol in terms of molarity in blood can be estimated as roughly 0.17 mol/L (moles per liter) for a BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) of 0.08%. This is a rough approximation, as individual factors such as weight, metabolism, and drinking pattern can affect the actual concentration.

What is van't hoff's factor?

Van't Hoff factor expresses how many ions and particles are formed, on average, in a solution from one formula unit of solute. It is the ratio between the actual concentration of particles produced when a substance is dissolved, and the concentration of a substance as is calculated from its mass.

How did the victims get to the concentration camp?

By getting in a boxcar. They would be transported by boxcars (look up: BOXCAR on google) and see the actual boxcars they were transported in.

What is the difference between pH and hydrogen ion concentration?

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale ranging from 0 to 14, while hydrogen ion concentration refers to the actual amount of H+ ions present in a solution. pH is calculated based on the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration, where a lower pH value indicates higher hydrogen ion concentration and greater acidity.

Who built the concentration camps during the holocaust?

Except for the very earliest camps, the Nazi concentration camps were built on the orders of the SS. The actual building work was done by the first batch of prisoners, though in some cases existing, disused buildings were also used.

Did the Jews have to run to the concentration camps?

A small number of Jewish prisoners were made Kapos, but they were never given any posts of real responsibility. The actual running of the camps were in the hands of the SS.

What is the difference in the concentration of a substance across a space is called concentration?

The difference in concentration of a substance across a space is called a concentration gradient. It represents the change in concentration over a given distance and drives processes like diffusion and osmosis. Substances move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration along the concentration gradient to achieve equilibrium.