The abstract noun forms of the adjective safe are safety or safeness.
We practice safety in the lab.
The value of a handrail is in it's safeness when used.
The noun 'safe' is a concrete noun as a word for a strong metal box with a special lock, used for storing valuable things, a word for a physical thing.
The abstract noun for the adjective 'safe' is safety, a word for a concept.
The abstract noun of the adjective "indifferent" is "indifference."
The abstract noun of the adjective "blue" is "blueness."
The abstract noun for the adjective "free" is freedom.
The abstract noun form of the adjective brave are braveness.A related abstract noun is bravery.
The abstract noun for the adjective 'safe' is safety, a word for a concept.
The abstract noun of the adjective "indifferent" is "indifference."
The abstract noun form of the adjective unique is uniqueness.
The abstract noun form for the adjective truthful is truthfulness.The word 'truthful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun truth.
The adjective for the abstract noun "famous" is "famous."
The abstract noun of the adjective "shy" is "shyness."
The abstract noun of the adjective "blue" is "blueness."
The abstract noun for the adjective quick is quickness.
The abstract noun form of the adjective triumphant is triumph.
The abstract noun for the adjective "free" is freedom.
The abstract noun for the adjective famous is famousness.The word 'famous' is the adjective form of the abstract noun fame.
The word 'delightful' is the adjective form of the abstract noun delight.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'delightful' is delightfulnerss.