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Capillary action is the ability of a material to soak up liquid like a sponge. This is due to the combination of adhesion and cohesion forces within the material that allow it to draw liquid against gravity. Materials like sponges, paper towels, and soil utilize capillary action to absorb liquids.

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Q: What is the ability that soaks up liquid like a sponge?
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What is the ability to soak up liquid like a sponge?


What is the definition of spongy?

It means like a sponge. Usually this means something which, like a sponge, is highly compressible. It can also refer to a sponge's ability to absorb liquids.

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It's porous like a sponge and soaks it up, then you press and roll it out and refill when it starts to dry out by roiling it into the pan again

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Portia describes the suitor named Morocco as being like a sponge because he soaks up flattery easily and is quick to make assumptions based on external appearances.

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A sponge definitely does have the ability to absorb heat. Sponges absorb heat as well as many other things like water.

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Portia describes the suitors as sponge-like in "The Merchant of Venice." She compares them to sponges because they absorb her wealth and resources without offering much in return, similar to how a sponge soaks up water. This highlights her frustration with the suitors' intentions and their lack of genuine interest in winning her affection.

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cotton does soak up a little water. It soaks up water cauzz it has litttle air holes just like the sponge...but it is not made of the same material as sponge soo it wont soak up as much as the sponge

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If a sponge is placed through a sieve, the sponge will likely get stuck in the sieve's mesh due to its size and inability to compress easily like a liquid or fine particles. It may require manipulation or cutting to remove the sponge from the sieve.

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Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This was yet another term for drunk. The image is of someone drinking like a mop soaks up liquid.

Why is sponge cake a solid?

Sponge cake is considered a solid because it has a defined shape and volume, and it does not flow like a liquid. It maintains its structure when baked due to the protein network formed by the eggs and flour, giving it a solid consistency.

Most fattening food in the world?

i'd have to say deep fried pork belly. It's fat wrapped in batter then soaked in scalding oil which the coating soaks up like a sponge. disgusting, but something to try once in your life.

How does sugar in soda affect how much a sponge absorbs?

the sugar takes up more volume in the sponge so the absorbtion rate will be lower than any other liquid without sugar like water