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Q: What is the Word for One skilled in the knowledge of or dealing with plants or herbs?
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What is friar Lawrences special talent?

Friar Lawrence's special talent lies in his knowledge of herbs and potions, which he uses to concoct remedies as well as deadly poisons. He is skilled in alchemy and herbal medicine, which plays a significant role in the events of Romeo and Juliet.

Are herbs plants too?

Yes. Herbs are plants.

How had Chillingworth gained his knowledge of local herbs and plants in Scarlet Letter?

he learned it while he was being held captive by the Indians

How are herbs a living thing?

Herbs are plants.

What is the difference between herbs and vitamins?

herbs are plants. vitamins are nutritional compounds of plants.

What is friar Laurence specialty?

Friar Laurence's specialty is the use of medicinal herbs and plants. He is known for his knowledge of natural remedies and his abilities as an apothecary.

Why does Shakespeare bother to describe Father Lawrence's special talent with herbs?

It is vital to the plot, due to Father Lawrence suggesting the potion that causes temporary death to Juliet. When Shakespeare describes Father Lawrence's skill and knowledge with herbs he is suggesting that he is skilled in apothecary (ie mystical potions and herbs), therefore making his suggestion of the potion to Juliet viable. Furthermore, Shakespeare also foreshadows that herbs/potions are vital to the plot.

What eats herbs?

anything that eats plants i guess

Is The friars knowledge of herbs serves as a foreshadow?


How are stems of herbs?

herbs are very small plants with soft,thin and weak stems.

What is the Friar collecting?

The Friar is collecting herbs and plants for medicinal purposes.

How are botany and herbology different?

Botany is the scientific study of plants, encompassing their structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, and classification. Herbology, on the other hand, specifically focuses on the study and use of herbs for medicinal and culinary purposes, often involving identifying, growing, and preparing herbs for various applications. Herbology is a subset of botany that narrows its focus on medicinal and culinary plants.