Shipping time by sea from Seoul to Los Angeles typically ranges from 15 to 25 days, depending on various factors such as the specific ports of departure and arrival, the shipping company, and any potential delays in customs clearance. It's always recommended to check with the shipping provider for more accurate and up-to-date information.
Los Angeles is in the PST (GMT-8) time zone. Georgia is in the EST (GMT-5) time zone. Therefore, Los Angeles is 3 hours behind Georgia.For example: 8pm in Georgia is 5pm in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT) and Nayarit is in the Central Time Zone (CT). Therefore, Nayarit is 2 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
The time difference between Los Angeles, California, and Mykolaiv, Ukraine, is 10 hours. Mykolaiv is 10 hours ahead of Los Angeles.
When it's 23:00 in Sydney, it is 05:00 in Los Angeles on the same day. Los Angeles is 18 hours behind Sydney.
It would be 12:30 pm in Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles is two hours behind Cheyenne, Wyoming.
5956 miles- Seoul to Los Angeles
There are 5,968 air miles between Los Angeles and Seoul.
11 hours and 56 minutes
Prevailing winds at altitude.This is similar to running against the win vs running with the wind.Flights:Seoul (SEL) to Los Angeles, CA (LAX)Flight Duration 10 hours 40 minsLos Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 13 hours 10 mins
Flight:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 12 hours 45Distance:The distance between Los Angeles, California and Seoul, South Korea is 5956 miles (9585 km).
The flight distance from Seoul's Incheon International Airport to Los Angeles International Airport is about 6,000 miles.
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Shortest Flight Duration 12 hours 45 mins
Los Angeles and Seoul.
Los Angeles relies on the Pacific Ocean for shipping.
Flight:Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Seoul (SEL)Flight Duration 12 hours 45Distance:The distance between Los Angeles, California and Seoul, South Korea is 5956 miles (9585 km).
Pacific Ocean
Five thousand nine hundred sixty-nine (5,969) is the air mileage from Los Angeles, California, to Seoul, South Korea. That equals 9,606 kilometers or 5,187 nautical miles.