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Q: What is the SI (international) unit for activity?
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What an SI units?

An SI unit is a unit of measure from the International System of Units. SI is the abbreviation for the French Système international d'unités

What are the unit for mass in an SI unit?

The kilogram or kilogramme is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units(SI).

What was the base unit of temperature is SI?

The base unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI) is the kelvin (K).

Is a meter a SI unit for volume?

No, a meter is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The SI unit for volume is the cubic meter (m^3).

The kilogram is the standard unit of?

It is the SI unit (that is, the international standard unit) of mass

SI unit of enzyme?

The SI unit of enzymes is not widely recognized, as enzymes are measured in activity units such as international units (IU) or micromoles per minute (µmol/min). The activity of an enzyme is typically based on its catalytic activity or the rate at which it catalyzes a specific reaction.

What is a unit of measure that everyone agrees to use?

Standard International unit (SI unit)

What is the symbol of the system international unit?

The symbol is SI

What is si unit of x-rays?

The SI unit of x-rays is the becquerel (Bq), which measures the activity of radioactive sources.

The standard international unit for mass is the?

The SI unit for mass is the kilogram (kg).

What is the system international unit of lenght?

The SI unit of length is the meter or metre.

What unit of measure if mass measure in?

The international (SI) unit of mass is the kilogram.