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Q: What is the Process by which each worker in a shop specializes in making one part of a complex item called?
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The process by which each worker in a shop specializes in making one part of a complex item is called?

The process is called division of labor. It aims to increase efficiency and productivity by allowing workers to focus on specialized tasks, rather than being responsible for the entire production process.

When scientists create a representation of a complex process they are?

When scientist creates a representation of a complex process, he is making a model. A model may be physical or conceptual in nature.

What is it called when Making complex chemicals from simple substances?

It is called chemical synthesis or chemical transformation. This process involves combining simple substances to create more complex chemicals through various chemical reactions.

When scientist create a representation of a complex process?

Making models

What does making models involve?

Making models involves creating representations of complex objects or process.

The process of making something from simple subunits is called?

In the case of making a house from bricks, it is called "building". Perhaps the term "assembling" could also be applied and if you were to be making a polymer then polymerization would be the term to use. If you were assembling something using words as sub units the process would be called writing or if you were a musician, composing. If you were a computer programmer then the process would be called coding. This answer is probably not exhaustive.

Is a skill that involves creating representations of complex object or process?

Making models

What is the process of making new individuals?

The process of making new individuals is called reproduction.

Synthesis is the process of making a more complex compound from simpler substances. true or false?

True. Synthesis is indeed the process of combining simpler substances to form a more complex compound.

What is the process of making blood called?

The process of making blood is called hematopoiesis. It occurs in the bone marrow, where stem cells differentiate into various types of blood cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This process is essential for maintaining normal blood cell levels in the body.

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