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Q: What is the Nerve carrying motor information for left leg extension?
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What Nerve carrying motor information causing left leg extension?

The nerve responsible for carrying motor information causing left leg extension is the sciatic nerve, specifically the fibular (peroneal) division which innervates the muscles that extend the leg.

What nerve that contains fibers that both send and receive messages is called?

A mixed nerve, such as the trigeminal nerve, contains both sensory and motor fibers that can send and receive messages. These nerves are responsible for carrying both sensory information from the body to the brain and motor commands from the brain to the muscles.

The association nerve cells relay information from sensory nerve cells to motor nerve cells?

Actually, association nerve cells, also known as interneurons, primarily function to form connections between sensory and motor nerve cells, helping to integrate and process information within the nervous system. They play a crucial role in determining how the body responds to sensory information and in coordinating complex behaviors.

What is the motor point of a nerve?

The motor point of a nerve is the location along the nerve where stimulation results in the most efficient muscle contraction. This point is usually located near where the nerve innervates the muscle and is commonly targeted in electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies.

The peripherral nervous system has sensory nerve cells and motor nerve cells?

Yes, the peripheral nervous system consists of sensory nerve cells that transmit sensory information from the body to the central nervous system, and motor nerve cells that transmit signals from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands to elicit a response.

Related questions

What Nerve carrying motor information causing left leg extension?

The nerve responsible for carrying motor information causing left leg extension is the sciatic nerve, specifically the fibular (peroneal) division which innervates the muscles that extend the leg.

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The nerve carrying motor information causing right leg flexion when stepping on a nail would be the sciatic nerve. This nerve is responsible for providing motor function to the muscles of the lower limb, including the hamstrings which are involved in flexing the leg in response to a painful stimulus like stepping on a nail.

What nerve that contains fibers that both send and receive messages is called?

A mixed nerve, such as the trigeminal nerve, contains both sensory and motor fibers that can send and receive messages. These nerves are responsible for carrying both sensory information from the body to the brain and motor commands from the brain to the muscles.

How would a nerve carrying impulses from your brain to your eyelids be different to one carrying impulses to your heart?

The nerve carrying impulses from your brain to your eyelids would be a cranial nerve, such as the oculomotor nerve (responsible for eyelid movement), while the nerve carrying impulses to your heart would be part of the autonomic nervous system, such as the vagus nerve (regulating heart rate). Additionally, the nerve to the heart would primarily involve motor signals, while the nerve to the eyelids would involve sensory and motor signals for eyelid function.

What are nerve blockades?

Nerve blockades, which involve the injection of an anesthetic into the area around a sensory or motor nerve that supplies a particular region of the body, preventing the nerve from carrying nerve impulses to and from the brain.

What is motor nueron disease?

When nerve damage effects a motor nerve, you have a motor neuron disease. It is also called neuropathy. For information on nerve damage repair go to

What two cranial nerves on the stimulated side must be functional for pupillary light reflex to occur?

The two cranial nerves that must be functional for the pupillary light reflex to occur are cranial nerve II (optic nerve) for the afferent pathway (carrying the visual information from the retina to the brain) and cranial nerve III (oculomotor nerve) for the efferent pathway (carrying the motor response to constrict the pupil).

What is thefunction of aspinal nerve?

transmit both sensory and motor information

What nerve is carrying the afferent and efferent impulses during the patellar reflex?

The nerves innervate the quadriceps. The afferent nerves are the muscle spindles and the efferent are the motor neurons.

The association nerve cells relay information from sensory nerve cells to motor nerve cells?

Actually, association nerve cells, also known as interneurons, primarily function to form connections between sensory and motor nerve cells, helping to integrate and process information within the nervous system. They play a crucial role in determining how the body responds to sensory information and in coordinating complex behaviors.

Is the optic nerve a sensory or motor nerve?

The optic nerve is a cranial nerve (CN II) that sends special somatic afferent (sensory) fibers to the lateral geniculate of the thalamus. Here, they synapse and continue via optic radiations to the primary visual cortex of the brain. The motor portion of the eye is controlled by cranial nerves as well only they are: Oculomotor (CN III), Trochlear (CN IV), and Abducens (CN VI); there is also some sympathetic innervation (not from cranial nerves) that cause pupillary dialation.

Is olfactory a sensory or motor nerve?

Olfaction is the sense of smell.The Olfactory System is the sensory system used for Olfaction (smelling).So in short, Its a sensory system (nerve) not a motor nerve.Think of motor nerves as nerves that cause a change in something, such as muscle motor nerves cause the muscle to contract.Sensory Nerves 'sense' the environment around them and then transfer this information on to other parts of the body such as the brain.