

What is the Mean Tide?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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What tide mean?

The word tide mean befall.

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IT MEAN THAT it is when i am faking that i am saying i have cool shoes and tide mean electric pipe in the ocean.

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"Tide" here refers to a period or season. In the context of the phrase "frosty tide," it suggests a cold or wintry season.

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What does the word tide mean in spanish?

The English word 'tide' = 'marea, corriente' in Spanish

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Well, this is a stupid question!

What does tide mean?

The tides are the result of the gravitational attraction between the water, the sun, and the moon.

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The translation is 'purpura aestus' but i think it just means a tide of crimson.

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do you mean spring tide

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The red tide also known as the crimson tide refers to a marine biological phenomenon that happens periodically where the tide kills everything in it's path.

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i think you mean "neap" tide and it means a tide of small range occurring during the first - and - third quarter phases of the moon! ..... ha ha "heap" tide

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It's not an idiom - ships once had to ride the tide out of harbors because they didn't have motors and had to rely on the tide and the wind to carry them along.