Rwanda is located at approximately 1.9403° S latitude and 29.8739° E longitude.
The latitude and longitude of Walvis Bay are approximately 22.9576° S, 14.5058° E.
Namibia's geographic coordinates are approximately 22.9576° S latitude and 18.4904° E longitude.
Rwanda is located at approximately 1.9403° S latitude and 29.8739° E longitude.
Latitude: 10°20′S to 27°SLongitude: 30°10′E to 40°10′E
The country located at 30°N latitude and 30°E longitude is Egypt.
The latitude and longitude of Walvis Bay are approximately 22.9576° S, 14.5058° E.
30○N and 40○S
Namibia's geographic coordinates are approximately 22.9576° S latitude and 18.4904° E longitude.
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
20°28′s 57°30′e
The location with 30° S latitude and 60° W longitude is in Argentina. It falls near the city of Córdoba, which is known for its historical architecture and cultural heritage.
30 S 20 E is in South Africa.