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Quantum Mechanics is the study of the intimate behavior of the smallest forms of particles, and their interaction amongst, with special emphasys on the emissions of energy, which is delivered in quanta, or photons. Wave Mechanics is the study of many physical phenomena that happen in a non linear and recurrent behavior, usually addressed as wave, with special emphasys in both the features of said wave, and the energy that involves specific wave phenomena.

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4mo ago

Relativity is a theory that describes the behavior of large-scale objects, such as planets and galaxies, in terms of gravity and the curvature of spacetime, as formulated by Albert Einstein. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is a theory that describes the behavior of subatomic particles, such as electrons and photons, in terms of probabilities and wave functions. The two theories are successful in their respective domains but have not been reconciled into a single theory of everything.

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15y ago

Newtonian physics involves phenomena the size of an atom or larger. Quantum Mechanics takes over when things get smaller. In Newtonian physics it could take 16 minutes or longer to send a message to Mars over the radio. A message can go no faster than the speed of light. You would ask your question and get your answer 32 minutes later. Using quantum mechanics, it would theoretically be possible to put a manmade satellite halfway between the earth and mars. It would send a stream of light through a prism to both the earth and mars. The people on the earth and mars could use that light through the quantum mechanical process called entanglement to talk to each other just like people talk to each other on phones on the earth. Subspace anyone?

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15y ago

Molecular machanics and Quantum machanics are very different things.

Molecular machanics deals with atoms and matter at the molecular scale, a combination of molecules, eg; H2O and HCl. This is usually aplied for large clusters of atoms.

Quantum machanics, as a very simple explenation, deals with how atoms react with each other, and other matter on a very small scale, one, two atoms or less. And is a hell of a lot more complecated.

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14y ago

Relativity has two parts: General relativity and special relativity, general relativity describes gravity as a geometric property of spacetime and special relativity is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference. Now quantum mechanics, in it's wave formulation, deals with describing things on the atomic scale as a wavefunction.

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11y ago

There is no real difference behind the terms quantum mechanics and quantum physics and quantum theory.

If one wants to make a linguistic distinction, you can.

Quantum theory is the more encompassing term including any theoretical explanations of quantum phenomena and and generalization.

Quantum Mechanics or Quantum Physics refers more to the physical laws which govern the quantum world of all quantum phenomena, and even applied to that world before we had developed the quantum theory with all the mathematics and equations to describe the quantum world. It parallels the meaning of the term Classical Physics.

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12y ago

in quantum mechanism the energy of the photon electron vary with the frequency but independent of the intensity of the incident radiation while in classical mechanism the energy of the photon-electron should vary with intensity but should be independent of the frequency.

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13y ago

Statistical mechanics studies many particle systems in which only macroscopic quantities can be measured, quantum mechanics study dynamics of one or several elementary particles in which each measurement outcome is not deterministic but it is probabilistic. Both theories are probabilistic, but while statistical mechanics is based on classical probabilities, quantum mechanics has a peculiar probability structure (it is defined on probability amplitudes) that allows for the wave-particle duality.

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14y ago

classical mechanics deals with very large particles but in quantum mechanics very minute particles.

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Energy and momentum are quantized. They can only take on discrete values. There are some other differences too. :)

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Q: What is the Difference between relativity and quantum mechanics?
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Who had two theories of relativity and was big in quantum mechanics?

Albert Einstein developed the theories of general relativity and special relativity. He also did work in quantum theory. (He won a Nobel prize for his work with light.)

What is true relativity or quantum mechanics?

True relativity refers to Einstein's theory of General Relativity, which describes how gravity operates in the universe. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is a theory that describes how particles and waves behave on a very small scale, such as at the level of atoms and subatomic particles. Both theories are fundamental in understanding different aspects of the physical world.

Is Quantum Mechanics more important than Relativity?

Both Quantum Mechanics and Relativity are foundational theories in physics, each with its own realm of applicability. They both play crucial roles in our understanding of the universe, with Quantum Mechanics describing the behavior of matter at the smallest scales and Relativity governing the behavior of matter on large scales and in the presence of strong gravitational fields. It is not accurate to say one is more important than the other, as they both contribute significantly to our understanding of the physical world.

When and where do newton's laws of motion and quantum mechanics overlaping?

Newton's laws of motion and quantum mechanics overlap at the quantum level, specifically in the behavior of subatomic particles. Quantum mechanics describes the motion of particles at very tiny scales where Newton's laws break down, leading to the development of quantum mechanics to explain phenomena such as wave-particle duality and quantum entanglement.

Did Einstein study quantum mechanics?

Yes, Albert Einstein played a key role in the development of quantum mechanics through his groundbreaking work on the photoelectric effect and his contributions to the understanding of quantum theory. However, he had reservations about some aspects of quantum mechanics, famously stating that "God does not play dice with the universe" to express his discomfort with the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

Related questions

Does the string theory bridge the gap between Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics?

No, string theory is an attempt to bridge the gap between EVERYTHING, not just relativity and quantum, into one fundamental theory.

What is QM it seems to be in relation to the Relativity Theory?

Quantum Mechanics

Why it is said relativistic quantum mechanics?

The distinction is sometimes made to distinguish normal quantum mechanics (which does not incorporate special relativity) and quantum field theory (relativistic quantum mechanics). Since we know special relativity is correct it is the relativistic form of quantum mechanics which is true, but non-relativistic quantum mechanics is still used, because it is a good approximation at low energies and it is much simpler. Physics students typically study regular quantum mechanics before moving on to quantum field theory.

What is the difference between quantum and relativity?

Relativity has two parts: General relativity and special relativity, general relativity describes gravity as a geometric property of spacetime and special relativity is the physical theory of measurement in inertial frames of reference. Now quantum mechanics, in it's wave formulation, deals with describing things on the atomic scale as a wavefunction.

Why are Newton's laws not exact?

Because they do not iclude quantum mechanics and general relativity

What are the discoveries of Einstein?

Albert Einstein is famous for his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. He also made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics and the photoelectric effect. His most famous equation, E=mc^2, demonstrates the relationship between energy and mass.

Who had two theories of relativity and was big in quantum mechanics?

Albert Einstein developed the theories of general relativity and special relativity. He also did work in quantum theory. (He won a Nobel prize for his work with light.)

What were Albert Einsteins accomplishments?

the theory of relativity & quantum mechanics.

What are th 6 divisions of physics?

The six divisions of physics are classical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, relativity, and astrophysics/cosmology. These branches cover the study of various natural phenomena and form the foundation of our understanding of the physical world.

What is true relativity or quantum mechanics?

True relativity refers to Einstein's theory of General Relativity, which describes how gravity operates in the universe. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is a theory that describes how particles and waves behave on a very small scale, such as at the level of atoms and subatomic particles. Both theories are fundamental in understanding different aspects of the physical world.

Which thing correlates general relativity with quantum mechanics?

nothing, they appear to contradict each other.

What is the difference between quantum mechanics and quantum physics?

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the mathematical description of the behavior of particles on the atomic and subatomic scale. Quantum physics is the broader field that encompasses quantum mechanics along with other related topics, such as quantum field theory. In essence, quantum mechanics is a subset of quantum physics.