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they had plants feathers and clothing

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1w ago

The Cahuilla tribe traditionally relied on Natural Resources such as acorns, mesquite beans, pine nuts, desert plants, and local game for food. They also used plants like willow and juncus for basket weaving and traded for goods like seashells, obsidian, and salt from neighboring tribes. Water was a crucial natural resource for their survival, leading them to develop sophisticated water management techniques.

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Q: What is the Cahuilla tribes natural resources?
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What natural resources did the cahuilla Indians have?

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The Cahuilla people used a variety of sea resources, including fish, shellfish, seaweed, and seabirds. They relied on these resources for food, tools, and materials for basket weaving and other crafts. They also traded sea resources with neighboring tribes for items not available in their desert environment.

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What languages are spoken by the Cahuilla people?

The Cahuilla people traditionally speak Cahuilla, which is an Uto-Aztecan language. However, due to colonization and the influence of English, the number of fluent speakers has significantly declined. Today, most Cahuilla people primarily speak English, with only a few individuals still speaking Cahuilla fluently.

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