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Q: What is th abstract noun for empty?
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What is the abstract noun of word empty?

The abstract noun of the word "empty" is emptiness. It refers to the state of being empty or lacking something.

What is the abstract noun of empty?

No, the word 'endless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'endless' is endlessness.The word 'endless' is the adjective form of the abstract noun end.

What abstrect noun is made from empty?

The abstract noun for the adjective empty and the verb to empty is emptiness.The word empty and the plural empties are used informally as nouns for containers that no longer have contents, concrete nouns.

What is noun form of vacant?

The abstract noun form of the adjective vacant is vacantness. Another noun form of the adjective vacant is vacancy: The noun vacancy is an abstract noun as a word for an open position or job. The noun vacancy is a concrete noun as a word for an empty space, a physical place.

Is an air can be both an abstract or concrete noun?

The noun 'air' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical substance made up of measurable molecules. The noun 'air' can be used in an abstract context, for example: "He's full of hot air." (empty, exaggerated talk)

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Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.

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is the word towel a concrete noun, abstract noun, or collective noun?

Concrete noun

What is the abstract noun for criticize?

The abstract noun is criticism.

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The noun 'hopefulness' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.

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The abstract noun is obligation.

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Friendship has not abstract noun because It is a abstract noun