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Q: What is sublimationIs grinding of chalk a physical changewhat is its indicator of change?
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What are the indicators of grinding a pepper?

Intrnal indicator

Is grinding chemical or physical change?

grinding is a physical change

Is grinding of meat a physical or chemical?

Grinding of meat is a physical process that involves breaking down the meat into smaller pieces using mechanical force. No chemical reactions take place during the grinding process.

Is grinding matter a physical change?

grinding any substance would by a physical change, because they are still that object

Is grinding sulfur a chemical or physical change?

Grinding sulfur is a physical change because the substance is still sulfur; only the form has changed from solid pieces to smaller particles. No new substances are formed during grinding.

Is grinding of meat is it a chemical or physical?

Physical change.

Grinding pepper a physical change?

yes grinding pepper is a phisical change

What is an example of physical change grinding coffee beans or baking a cake?

Grinding coffee beans is a physical change as it does not change the chemical composition of the beans.

What kind change is grinding chalk into powder?

Grinding chalk really doesn't change the chalk except to make it into powder. So that makes it a physical change. It is much like ice melting into water.

Is grinding wheat a physical or chemical property?

physical. it's still wheat.

Grinding wheat in to flour is a chemical or physical property?

It is not a property; it is a physical process.

Is grinding CuSO4 with 5H2O a physical or chemical change?

CuSO4 (copper sulphate) 5 H2O is hydrated, containing water. The crystals (blue-coloured) are still present i believe, and so if you grind the crystals down, you are just making them physically smaller, not chemically altering them.