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The calorific value is 8 742 kJ/kg.

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Q: What is specific heat at constant pressure of honge oil?
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Is water have specific heat at constant volume or not?

Yes, water has a specific heat at constant volume, known as the specific heat at constant volume (Cv). This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of water by one degree Celsius at constant volume.

What are the properties of mass?

Density Specific Volume Pressure Temperature Viscoisy Gas Constant Heat Specific

What is the specific heat constant of oxygen?

The specific heat constant of oxygen is approximately 0.918 J/g°C. This value represents the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of oxygen by one degree Celsius.

Why general gas equation is used in the proof of cp-cvR?

The general gas equation, PV = nRT, is used in the proof of the specific heat capacities relationship (Cp - Cv = R) because it helps relate the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas to its moles and universal gas constant, allowing for the derivation of Cp and Cv in terms of these properties. This relationship is then utilized to show that the difference between the specific heat capacities at constant pressure and constant volume is equal to the universal gas constant.

What is the quantity of heat required to raise a unit mass of homogeneous material1 k or 1 c in a specified way given constant pressure and volume?

The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a material by 1 kelvin or 1 degree celsius at constant pressure and volume is known as the specific heat capacity of the material. It is denoted by the symbol "C" and is measured in J/kg.K or J/kg°C.

Related questions

Is water have specific heat at constant volume or not?

Yes, water has a specific heat at constant volume, known as the specific heat at constant volume (Cv). This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of water by one degree Celsius at constant volume.

Air expands according to the law pv1.3 a constant inside an enclosed cylinder find its specific heat?

For an adiabatic process, we have the equation PV^1.3 = constant, where P is the pressure and V is the volume. Specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) can be found using the relation Cp - Cv = R, where R is the gas constant. Specific heat at constant volume (Cv) is dependent on the specific gas and temperature range.

What are the properties of mass?

Density Specific Volume Pressure Temperature Viscoisy Gas Constant Heat Specific

What is the specific heat of argon in celsius?

The specific heat of argon is approximately 0.5205 J/g°C at a constant pressure of 1 atm.

Why we use two type of molar specific heat?

For gases, there is heat specific heat capacity under the assumption that the volume remains constant, and under the assumption that the pressure remains constant. The reason the values are different is that when heating up a gas, in the case of constant pressure it requires additional energy to expand the gas. For solids and liquids, "constant volume" isn't used, since it would require a huge pressure to maintain the constant volume.

What is the value of the of gamma in air?

The value of the specific heat ratio (gamma) in air is approximately 1.4 at room temperature. It represents the ratio of specific heats, which is the ratio of the heat capacity at constant pressure to the heat capacity at constant volume.

Why is cp used for solids instead of cv in heat transfer?

Specific heat capacity at constant pressure (cp) is used for gases because the heat transfer is generally at constant pressure conditions. For solids, heat transfer typically occurs at constant volume since solids do not easily change their volume. Therefore, the specific heat capacity at constant volume (cv) is used for solids in heat transfer calculations.

Define molar specific heats of a gas?

Molar specific heats of a gas refer to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of the gas by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin) at constant pressure or constant volume. The specific heat capacity at constant pressure is denoted as Cp, and at constant volume as Cv. These values are important in understanding the thermodynamic behavior of gases.

Why the molar specific heat at constant pressure is larger than the molar specific heat at constant volume?

The molar specific heat at constant pressure is larger than at constant volume because at constant pressure, some of the heat absorbed by the system is used to do work in expanding against the external pressure, in addition to increasing the internal energy. This results in more heat being absorbed per degree temperature rise compared to at constant volume, where all the heat goes toward increasing the internal energy.

What is Regnault's Law?

Regnault's Law is a statement in physics that says that the specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is the same whatever the pressure.

What is the total heat energy supplied in isobaric process?

In an isobaric process, the total heat energy supplied is equal to the product of the pressure, volume change, and specific heat capacity of the substance. It can be calculated using the equation: Q = P * (V2 - V1) * Cp, where Q is the total heat energy, P is the pressure, V1 and V2 are the initial and final volumes, and Cp is the specific heat capacity.

For diatomic gas cv52rwhat is the gamma for this gas?

The specific heat at constant volume for a diatomic gas is typically 5R/2. The specific heat ratio, or gamma (γ), is defined as the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to the specific heat at constant volume. Therefore, for a diatomic gas with (C_v = \frac{5R}{2}), the gamma will be (\gamma = \frac{C_p}{C_v} = \frac{7R/2}{5R/2} = \frac{7}{5}) or 1.4.