

Best Answer

Shell ratio is a financial metric used to evaluate a company's liquidity by comparing its cash and cash equivalents with its short-term liabilities. It is calculated by dividing the sum of cash and equivalents by the total amount of short-term liabilities. A higher shell ratio indicates a company has more than enough cash to cover its short-term debts, while a lower ratio may signal potential liquidity issues.

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Q: What is shell ratio?
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What has the golden ratio in it?

A great many things have the golden ratio in them varying from things fabricated by humans such as architecture, the proportions of the sides of a book also fall into the golden ratio. The golden ratio also occurs naturally for example the spiral in the snail's shell falls into the golden ratio. Generally most man made things have the golden ratio in them as it has been found quite simply, to look good.

How is voltage ratio of shell type transformer when the load is changed?

The ratio of a shell type transformer does not change based on load, unless a load tap changer is used. The primary windings to secondary winding ratio is a constant. The voltage on the secondary may be dragged down if loading is heavy, specifically if the transformer has poor voltage regulation. If this is the case, you can infer the voltage on the secondary may float higher than desired under no load conditions.

How does having an exoskeleton affect how an animals grow?

Animals that possess exoskeletons are limited in the maximum size they can reach. As an animal gets larger its shell must increase in size in order to support its weight. This causes the surface to volume ratio to decrease. As this ratio decreases, it becomes more difficult for the animal to obtain enough oxygen for cellular respiration and space for internal organs is also lost with a thickening shell.

What are disadvantages and advantages of a shell structure?

Advantages of shell structures include their strength-to-weight ratio, allowing for large open interior spaces without the need for internal supports. However, disadvantages can include complex construction methods and higher costs compared to traditional building styles. Additionally, shell structures may be limited in flexibility for future modifications or expansion.

What is the golden ratio of a snail shell?

The golden ratio or the Fibonacci number is apparent in many natural objects. This mathematical equation proves that by dividing a line in two parts, the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the long part.

What is the stability of a nucleus is most affected by?

1- n/p ratio where n is number of neutron and p number of proton 2-shell model 3-binding energy

Why do elements join to form compounds in specific ratios?

Elements join to form compounds in specific ratios due to the laws of chemical combination, namely the law of definite proportions and the law of multiple proportions. These laws dictate that elements react in consistent and predictable ratios based on the number of atoms involved in the reaction. This results in compounds with fixed compositions.

Does shell over shell mean the same as shell in shell in crochet?

shell over shell means make a shell in the middle stitch of the shell below .. if your shell is a 5 stitch shell then make a shell in the 3rd stitch of the shell below .......... if it is a 7 stitch shell make the shell in the 4th stitch of the shell below .... etc .. you are making a shell over the existing shell in the middle stitch ..

What is the shell slogan?

You can be sure of Shell, Shell Oil Company

What are the types of shells in shell programming?

The Bourne shell (sh) ,The C shell (csh) ,The Korn shell (ksh) ,The Z-Shell (zsh) ,The POSIX shell,The Bourne Again SHell (Bash)null

What is an egg that is surrouded by a shell?

This is an egg that can be in a shell and out of a shell.