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two liquids having different solubility are separated by chromography.

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Q: What is separation in chromatography?
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How effective is the chromatography method for the separation of amino acids?

Chromatography is a highly effective method for separating amino acids based on their chemical properties. It allows for the separation of complex mixtures of amino acids with high resolution and precision. Different types of chromatography, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC), can be used depending on the specific requirements of the analysis.

What are the relations with pigment and chromatography?

In chromatography, pigments can be separated based on their differing affinities for the mobile and stationary phases. The different pigments will travel at different rates through the chromatography system, allowing for their separation and identification based on their unique colors and positions within the chromatogram. Pigments play a key role in chromatography as they provide a visible representation of the separation process.

Is solvent extraction extraction a type of chromatography?

Solvent extraction is not a type of chromatography. Solvent extraction involves the separation of compounds based on their solubility in different solvents, while chromatography separates compounds based on their interactions with a stationary phase and a mobile phase.

Which physical properties is or are used in the separation of the components of a mixture via chromatography i the abilities of the compounds to absorb ii solubility iii boiling points?

The abilities of the compounds to absorb and their solubility are the physical properties used in the separation of components via chromatography. Boiling points are not typically used in chromatography, as the separation technique relies more on differences in absorption and solubility to separate compounds.

Why do you crush leaves in paper chromatography?

Crushing leaves in paper chromatography helps to release pigments from the cells, making them available for separation on the chromatography paper. This allows for a more accurate analysis of the different pigments present in the leaves.

Related questions

What are other words you could use for chromatography?

Separation technique, analytical separation, molecular separation, chemical separation.

What is the name of the method used to separate dyes?

Chromatography is the method used to separate dyes by allowing the components to move at different rates through a medium, such as paper or a column, based on their affinity for the medium and solvent. This technique separates the different dyes based on their molecular interactions with the moving phase.

Which method of separation is commonly used for separating mixtures of colored substances?


What is the significance of chromatography in organic and biochemistry?

It helps in separation of colours

Is qualitative determination using gas chromatography the best separation technique?

The quantity of a substance separated by gas chromatography can be determined by its?

What is L.C.M?

Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry. LC is the separation, MS is the detection

Is solvent extraction extraction a type of chromatography?

Solvent extraction is not a type of chromatography. Solvent extraction involves the separation of compounds based on their solubility in different solvents, while chromatography separates compounds based on their interactions with a stationary phase and a mobile phase.

What is chromatoghy?

Chromatography is the collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures. There are many different types of chromatography, with different techniques for separating the mixtures.

What are the avantages of thin layer chromatography over paper chromatography?

Thin layer chromatography typically provides better resolution and separation of compounds due to the use of a uniform, inert stationary phase. It also offers faster separation times and requires smaller sample volumes compared to paper chromatography. Additionally, thin layer chromatography allows for visualization of separated compounds under UV light without the need for chemical staining.

Why it is called chromatography separation?

Chromatography is called a separation technique because it separates different components of a mixture based on their different affinities for the stationary phase (solid or liquid) and the mobile phase (gas or liquid). As the mixture passes through the stationary phase, the components interact differently and move at different rates, leading to separation.

What is the name of the separation technique that allows us to examine the dyes used in food?

chromatography :)

What are separation technique of solutions?

Examples: distillation, ion-exchange, chromatography, decantation, extraction.