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It is: 2.65*10^5

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Which viewpoint questions scientific objectivity?

The feminist standpoint theory questions the objectivity of science by highlighting how scientific knowledge has been traditionally developed from a male-centered perspective, often ignoring the contributions and experiences of women. This theory suggests that an individual's social identity and position in society influence the way they perceive and interpret scientific information, thereby challenging the notion of complete objectivity in scientific research.

What is the process of microevolution?


What did people think of big bang theory?

At first, many eminent scientists had trouble reconciling the notion of an expanding universe with their convictions. Albert Einstein, for instance, did not accept the notion until the evidence for it had become almost overwhelming, favouring, like many others, the idea of a static universe. For the next few decades, scientific support was pretty evenly divided over Steady State and Big Bang.It wasn't until 1965 that, with the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background, the scientific consensus swayed overwhelmingly towards supporting the Big Bang theory. Today, of course, it is the accepted model, the consensus view.

A sentence with notion?

The notion of climate change is widely accepted among scientists, with evidence pointing to its impact on global temperatures and weather patterns.

What is the specific isotope of uranium?

Any isotope of uranium is specific. This notion don't exist.