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Q: What is rhe process of perventing fertillization of eggs is called?
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What do you call the process of laying eggs?

That process is called 'ovulating'

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The process of preventing fertilization of eggs is called?

The process of preventing fertilization of eggs is called contraception or birth control. Examples of contraception include the birth control pill, Depo Provera injection, the coil and condoms.

What does gametogenesis in females do?

Gametogenesis in females is called oogenesis and is the development of unfertilised eggs called ova

Meaning of Incubation?

the process providing warmth to the eggs to help them to hatch is called incubation

What is the tool used for painting eggs in Ukraine called?

The eggs are not painted, they are dyed with a batik process. The wax is applied with a tool called a stylus (English) or a pysachok or kistka/kystka (Ukrainian).

In which female organ are eggs proguced?

Eggs are produced in the ovaries. Each month, a woman's ovaries release an egg in a process called ovulation.

What process results in the formation of a egg?

In humans?,, A female human is borned with all the eggs she will ever have.

How do Amphibians lay eggs and fertilisation?

Generally amphibians have a mating process called amplexus, where the male is holding onto the female on top. The male can prompt her to lay the eggs, and when she does, he releases sperm onto the eggs.

How do anacondas produce young?

By a process called ovoviviparity. The mother keeps the eggs inside of her body until they hatch.

What is the egg produced by female's called?

It's called the Egg...

. A process in which pollen from one plant is used to pollinate the eggs in the flower of a different plant is called?

Cross pollination is where the pollen in one plant is used to pollinate those eggs that are available in a different plant. It fosters the vegetation process in Flora.