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venus rotates around it's own axis every 243 earth days. interestingly that is longer than it's sidereal period, or year, of 224.7 earth days. it is the only planet in our solar system with a longer day than year

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The revolution of Venus around the Sun takes about 225 Earth days to complete. This means that Venus completes one orbit around the Sun in approximately 225 Earth days.

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tynghfjfjfjjfjjfjffjjnnnnj THEN MAKE OUT WITH UR LOVE

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It's about 225 Earth days.
Venus takes about 225 (earth) days to make one complete revolution around the sun.

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What is period of rotation and revolution of Venus?

Venus' period of rotation is 243 Earth days. Its period of revolution is 224. 7 Earth days. The revolution period is the length of a year in Earth days on Venus. This planet is a terrestrial planet.

How many days does venus take for one revolution?

Venus takes about 225 Earth days to complete one revolution around the Sun.

What is the Venus?

Venus has a revolution period that's equal to 224.7 Earth days.

Which planet with the period of revolution is closest to Earth's?

Venus with a revolution time of 224.7 Earth days

How long is venus's revolution?

224.7 Earth Day

What is Venus revolution?

Venus has a revolution period that's equal to 224.7 Earth days.

The planet with the period of revolution closest to Earth's is?

Hi Venus is the only planet that has the revolution period closest to that of the Earth. Venus with a revolution time of 224.7 Earth days. Venus is the brightest of all the planets in the solar system and is known as the Earth's twin sister due to the similarity between the two planets in terms of Size, mass etc.

How long is Venus year?

Venus rotates VERY slowly. Each day on Venus takes 243 Earth days. A year on Venus takes 224.7 Earth days. It takes 224.7 Earth days for Venus to orbit the sun once. The same side of Venus always faces Earth when the Earth and Venus are closest together.

How long does it take venus to revolve once?

It takes Venus approximately 225 Earth days to complete one full revolution around the Sun.

Revolution time of venus around the sun?

Venus takes approximately 225 Earth days to complete one orbit around the sun, which is also known as its revolution period. This means one year on Venus is approximately 225 Earth days long.

Length of year venus?

it takes 225 earth days to make on revolution around the sun

How many earth days does it take Venus to make a complete rotation?

It takes Venus about 243 Earth days to complete one full rotation on its axis. This means that a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus, which lasts around 225 Earth days.