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Burning fuel in the cardboard tube, open on one end, rushes out an open end, like whistling through pursed lips.

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Eldon Hilpert

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Q: What is responsible for the whistling sound that often accompanied fireworks?
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What is responsible fir the whistling sound that often accompanies fireworks?

The whistling sound that accompanies fireworks is caused by the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the firework. As the firework ignites and propels into the air, the escaping gases create turbulence, leading to the whistling noise.

What is responsible for the whistling sound that often accompanies fireworks s?

The soft whistling sound is due to the canister cutting through the air, leaving a wake of sound in its trail. However, there are some fireworks (often called screamers) that create a loud wail or shriek as they fly up before bursting; this is created by specially shaped funnels and projections on the outside of the canister that increase the air disturbance during the canister's flight.

What is responsible for the whistling sound that often accompanies firworks?

Your sister getting screwed, doggy-style.

What is resporisible for the whistling sound that often accompanies fireworks?

Burning fuel in the cardboard tube, open on one end, rushes out an open end, like whistling through pursed lips.

What are the characteristics of Diwali fireworks?

Diwali has a tradition of setting off fireworks and is often known as the festival of lights. The fireworks brightly light the entire sky and are often a variety of colors.

Can tornado be accompanied by damaging hail?

Yes. Tornadoes a very often accompanied by large hail.

What precipitation occurs for a tornado?

Tornadoes are usually accompanied by heavy rain and often accompanied by hail.

What are all of the types of precipitation in a tornado storm?

Tornadoes are usually accompanied by rain and are often accompanied by hail.

Just put your lips together and blow?

This phrase is often used as an instruction for whistling. It suggests pursing your lips and blowing air through them to create a whistling sound.

Do fireworks have barium in them?

Yes, fireworks often contain barium compounds to produce green colors. Barium salts are commonly used in fireworks to create the green light effects seen during displays.

Alkali metal used in fireworks?

One of the alkali metals used in fireworks is potassium. It is commonly used to produce a lilac or light purple color in fireworks displays. Potassium salts are often incorporated into the compositions of fireworks to achieve colorful effects.

What is the pecipitation that falls during a tornado?

Tornadoes are usually accompanied by heavy rain and are often accompanied by hail, which can sometimes be large.