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Rusting is a form of corrosion that occurs when iron and steel react with oxygen and water in the air, creating iron oxide (rust). This process weakens the metal, making it brittle and crumbly. Rusting can be prevented through methods such as using protective coatings like paint or galvanization.

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How is rust produced?

Rust is iron oxide. So when iron oxidizes you get rust. So iron and steel (iron and carbon) are prone to this happening while metal like aluminum well not rust.

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no not really

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metles dont rust in water they rust after in the water is dryed and the sun is the thing that rusts it because it is beating down on it so rapidly

Rust around a lug nut indicates?

Nothing really, Rust happens there is several ways to prevent it. Rust around lug nuts is normal.

Does all metals decompose?

No not really, metals rust. However, rust can be considered metal decomposition (kind of).

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yes ,rust off will work i think that is the first thing you should use

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