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Superconductivity is not by any means a classical phenomenon. Imagine the water in the pipes in your house suddenly all occupying the same space, and the flow of water is not the movement of small elements of water individually, but rather every drop of water acts together to flow in the same direction.

In technical terms the simpler superconductors involve the electrons paring up into "cooper pairs" which act as a single particle with bose-einstein statistics and condensate into a superfluid.

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3mo ago

Quantum mechanical phenomena are observable behaviors and effects that occur at the microscopic scale of individual atoms and subatomic particles. These phenomena include wave-particle duality, quantization of energy levels, superposition, entanglement, and tunneling. They are essential to our current understanding of the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.

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15y ago

Please search the following keywords for details: BCS Theory Landau Theory Meissner Effect Dc Josephson Effect I hope this helps

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14y ago

Superconductors were discovered (not invented) by a dutchman called Heike Kammerling-Onnes.

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