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A compound formed when hydrogen gas burns with oxygen.

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Q: What is pure water and write its chemical formula?
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Can someone describe the makeup of pure water and write it out as a chemical formula?

Pure water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together covalently. This is represented by the chemical formula H2O.

Pure water is a(n)?

The chemical formula of water is H2O, a liquid at r.m.

Is pure water a compound or element?

Pure water is a compound as it consists of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O.

What is formula for water?

The chemical formula for pure water is H2O - This means each water molecule has two atoms of Hydrogen bonded to one atom of Oxygen.

What is diamonds chemical formula?

The chemical formula for diamond is C, pure carbon.

What shows the chemical makeup of a pure substance?

a chemical formula

Is Pure water an element or a compound?

Pure water is a compound, not an element. It is composed of two different elements: hydrogen and oxygen.

Hydrofluoric acid chemical formula?

Hyrdofluoric acid has the chemical formula HF. In pure form, it is a gas, but dissolved in water it becomes a weak acid.

What is the chemical formula of limca?

The chemical formula of Limca is not a single compound but a mixture of water, sugar, carbon dioxide, citric acid, flavoring agents, and caffeine. So, there isn't a simple chemical formula for Limca like there is for pure compounds.

What is the chemical formula of line water?

The chemical formula for pure water is H2O, which means each molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom.

What is Fanta's chemical formula?

Fanta is not a compound but a mixture (water, sugar, orange aroma's, colorings, carbon dioxide etc.), so there is not one chemical formula. This can only be for pure compounds. E.g. water is H2O .

What is the chemical formula of glass rod?

There is none. Glass is a mixture, not a pure substance and so does not have a chemical formula.