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Proteins are polymers of amino acid monomers. Proteins are the chemical "workhorses" and "structural building blocks" of living things. We need to eat foods containing proteins so that we can take them apart to their component amino acids, then later reassemble those amino acids to make our own proteins as we lack the ability to synthesize amino acids ourselves.

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Q: What is protein and why do we need it?
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Why does a chick need protein?

Baby chicks need protein so they can become full grown chickens if there is no protein they will not be able to grow.

Why does chick need protein?

Baby chicks need protein so they can become full grown chickens if there is no protein they will not be able to grow.

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You need protein to stay healthy.

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Because if they did not get protein they will be weak when they are older

How much meat do i need?

You don't need any. It's the protein that you need. You can get all the protein you need from vegetables, whole grains, and especially legumes.

How much protein do muscles need after a work out?

A good amount of protein after a work about is about 20 grams of protein, which is best in a shake. Your muscles need protein and amino acid and other suppliments to repair your muscles from damage.

Why do grazing animals need protein?

cause they need it