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so many lines to look on the map that you might get confused or lost.

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Q: What is possible disadvantage of using a smaller contour interval?
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What is a possible disadvantage of using a map with a smaller contour interval?

i donot know that's why i am asking !

Can the contour interval affect the interpretation of the topography of a particular region?

Yes, the contour interval can significantly impact the interpretation of topography. A smaller contour interval provides more detail and reveals subtle changes in the terrain, while a larger interval may smooth out these features. Choosing the appropriate contour interval is important for accurately representing the topography of a region.

Is a contour interval for a given topographic map always the same?

No, the contour interval can vary between different topographic maps based on the scale and detail of the map. Smaller scale maps may have larger contour intervals, while larger scale maps may have smaller contour intervals to show more detailed elevation changes.

What is a gentle slope?

When the contour lines are farther apart, this means that the slopes between them are gentle. On the other side, if the contour interval is smaller, the slope will be steep.

What is a supplementary contour line on a map?

A supplementary contour line on a map represents a line that is drawn at a certain elevation interval, typically smaller or different than the standard contour interval. These lines help to provide more detailed information about the terrain, especially in areas with steep slopes or significant changes in elevation. They are useful for identifying smaller features like ridges, valleys, or changes in slope that may not be captured by the main contour lines.

What is the contour interval like on a map where the relief is low?

In areas with low relief, the contour interval on a map will typically be smaller. This is because the elevation changes are gradual and subtle, so more contour lines are needed to accurately depict the gentle slopes and terrain features. Smaller contour intervals help to provide a more detailed representation of the topography in areas with low relief.

What would ba an advantage of using a smaller contour interval?

It would be more detailed. It would let people know how steep a certain hill/ mountain is.

What happens to the confidence interval if you increase the sample size?

The confidence interval becomes smaller.

What are contour intervals?

Contour intervals refer to the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines on a topographic map. They help represent the shape and features of the land surface. A smaller contour interval indicates a steeper terrain, while a larger contour interval represents a gentler slope.

What is cutting steep fields into several smaller flatter fields?

Contour plowing

What is the domain of a sine function?

It is infinite, in both directions. But it can be restricted to a smaller interval.

Is a whole step the smallest possible interval?

No, it is a semi-tone or half-step, at least on a piano. There can be the system of microtones in which there are even smaller gaps in between notes. A piano can be tuned in this way, but it is not very common.