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Q: What is porous structure surrounds the nucleus keeping it intact?
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What keeps the nucleus intact?

The nuclear membrane keeps material in the nucleus from spilling out. There is a similar membrane that surrounds the cells as well.

What is the structure of a cell during interphase?

The nucleus is intact and the genetic material has the appearance of chromatin.

What does the membrane of the yolk of a chicken egg do?

The membrane of the yolk of a chicken egg provides protection and helps retain the yolk's shape. It surrounds and encases the yolk, keeping it intact within the egg.

Which characstics allows you to recognize a cell in interphase?

the nucleus intact

How does the nucleus stay intact despite the protons it contains?


What are lightning and fire examples of?

Plasma is a form of matter that is so hot that the atomic structure breaks down, and the atom loses its electrons (the nucleus remains intact). Plasmas glow, which can be seen in both lightning and fire. The ionized electrons emit light.

What is intact skin?

Intact skin refers to unbroken and undamaged skin that has no cuts, abrasions, or wounds. It acts as a barrier to protect the body from infectious agents and helps regulate body temperature. Keeping skin intact is important for overall health and to prevent infections.

What is the value of a full war ration book with intact stamps?

Very little £3 or £4, your better of keeping it!

What caused Egyptians to mummify their dead?

They believe that it was used to insure immortality after death. Keeping the body fully intact.

What are the correct steps to paraphrase a sentence?

To paraphrase a sentence, first understand the original meaning. Then, rewrite the sentence using different words and sentence structure while keeping the main idea intact. Finally, compare your paraphrased sentence with the original to ensure accuracy and clarity.

How do the nucleus in an atom stay intact despite the protons it contains?

The strong nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature, holds the positively charged protons together in the nucleus. This force is stronger than the electromagnetic force, which causes protons to repel each other due to their positive charges. The balance between these forces is what keeps the nucleus intact.

Latin translation for preservation?

The idea of "preservation" in its modern English sense can be conveyed in Latin either by "custodia" (meaning preservation, protection, or safe-keeping) or by "conservatio" (meaning preservation, keeping intact, or maintenance).