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Q: What is polar characteristics?
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What are characteristics of temperature?

the polar zone

What are the characteristics of a polar bear's habitat?

The characteristics of a polar bears habitat include cold temperatures, ice masses and lots of water.

What characteristics phospholipids is important to their function?

they have a polar head and non-polar tails

Unusual characteristics of a polar bear?

Polar Bears actually have black skin.

What are moderate temperature characteristics of?

the polar zone

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What is polar adaptation?

The body characteristics that have evolved to enable an animal to live in polar regions.

What are emulsions?

A polar and a nonpolar substance being made miscible together by another substance that has both polar and nonpolar characteristics.

What are the characteristics of a polar bear?

warm blooded, and never gets cold

What generally are the water characteristics of surface zone?

polar and geometry bent.the

What is waters Waters characteristics shaped due to?

polar covalent bonding

What characteristics of phospholipid is important to their function?

they have a polar head and non-polar tails