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Q: What is plain statement?
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What statement best defines a coastal plain?

an area of flat land found next to an ocean

What is red lobster's mission statement?

Red Lobster's mission statement is Darden foods mission statement for all the restaurants that they run. Plain and kinda boring but here it is "To Nourish and Delight Everyone we Serve"

Is this statement true in the ad 600's slavs settled near waterways on the north European plain?


What does heroine smell like?

peanut butter. Plain and simple. Dont worry im an expert so you can trust my statement.

What is the opposite of epigram?

The opposite of epigram could be a lengthy or verbose statement that lacks wit or conciseness.

What does heroin smell like burning?

peanut butter. Plain and simple. Dont worry im an expert so you can trust my statement.

4 plus 3 equals 9 is an equation of equality?

No. [ 4+3=9 ] is just a plain old false statement.

The statement 5a plus 6 equals 5a plus 30 sHow is what?

The statement is false. 5a +6 = 5a + 30 Subtract 5a from both sides: 6 = 30 and that is plain and simple rubbish!

Why do men cannot be a good parent?

That is a 100% false statement. I am young man, and I know for a fact I will be a great parent. You need to be with a better man, plain and simple.

What goes good with a black and white cardegan its horizontal strips?

A plain white t-shirt or a black one, or a shirt, any plain coloured top really, If you want to make a statement then wear it with a red top with jeans or trousers or a black skirt... Enjoy x :) x

Are glasses a turn-off?

No, glasses are actually in! Some people will wear glasses with plain glass or plastic in the frames to make a fashion statement. No different than wearing sunglasses.

How If and else run at a time?

The standard syntax is:if( conditional_expression )statement;[[else if( conditional_expression )statement;[else if...]]else statement;][] denotes optional components. Each statement may be a single statement, or may be multiple statements surrounded by braces {}.The if( conditional expression ) statement; is the only required component. In plain English, this reads: if the conditional expression is true, then execute the following statement, otherwise skip to the line following the statement.If the next line is an else statement, then the line reads: if the conditional expression is true, then execute the statement and skip over the else statement. But if the conditional expression is false, then skip over the statement and execute the else statement instead.if( conditional_expression )statement; // execute when conditional expression is trueelsestatement; // execute when conditional expression is falseThe statement following the else can be another ifstatement (a nested if):if( conditional_expression_1 )statement; // execute when conditional_expression_1 is true.else if( conditional_expression_2)statement; // execute when conditional_expression_1 is false and _2 is true.elsestatement; // execute when both _1 and _2 are both false.Note that if an else statement is used without a following if statement, it must appear after all other else if statements.