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Q: What is placed between floors to counteract the pressure on the sides of buildings during earthquakes?
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What is the name for counteract pressure that pushes and pulls at the side of a building during an earthquake Placed between the floors of a building?

dont noe dont care

Why do earthquakes not occur on every continent?

Earthquakes occur when pressure builds up between 2 masses of rock in the earths crust, where there is a crack between them. Eventually the pressure is released and one piece of the rock slides upwards. This causes P waves and S waves, which shake the buildings etc.. on the earth's surface. However, they can often be felt in other continents, depending on how bad the earthquake is. For example, the boxing day tsunami earthquake could be felt all over the world, but not as obviously as that in the country it occurred in.

What is the relationship between earthquakes and tornadoes?

There is no relationship between tornadoes and earthquakes.

Which describes why the wind blows faster as it passes between tall buildings in a city?

The wind speeds up between tall buildings due to a phenomenon called the Venturi effect, which occurs when a fluid (in this case, air) is forced through a narrow space, increasing its velocity. This narrowing of space between buildings causes the air to accelerate to maintain the same flow rate.

What are similarities between Richter scale and Mercalli scale?

They are both scales that determine what damage earthquakes can produce, whether it's on the general impact of structures of buildings or the impact of damage on society.

How are marsquakes similar to earthquakes?

Mars quakes are caused by its mass and size collapsing in different parts of the planet. and earthquakes are caused by pressure being released between 2 tectonic plates

In what type of boundary do deep earthquakes occur in?

Deep earthquakes occur in subduction zone boundaries, where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. This process results in intense pressure and friction between the plates, leading to the occurrence of deep earthquakes.

What is the force required to prevent movement of water by osmosis?

The force required to prevent movement of water by osmosis is called osmotic pressure. This pressure is determined by the concentration gradient of solutes between two solutions separated by a semi-permeable membrane. Increasing the solute concentration in one solution or applying external pressure can counteract osmotic pressure and prevent water movement.

Are earthquakes caused by tectonic plates?

It is both because earthquakes are gecologic events.

What is spool type flow divider?

A device for dividing the flow into the valve between two outlets. The spool is pressure balanced by the flow across it. When a greater pressure drop occurse at one of the ports the spool moves across to counteract this and divert more flow to one side. They are not perfectly accurate.

Connection between earthquakes and volcanos?

One connection between earthquakes and volcanoes is that they all have to do with Plate Tectionics and they destroy things

Location of frequent earthquakes at the subduction zone?

Frequent earthquakes occur at subduction zones where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another. These earthquakes are caused by the intense pressure and friction between the plates as they move against each other. Examples of subduction zones with frequent earthquakes include the Pacific Ring of Fire where the Pacific Plate is subducting beneath other plates.