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The tunnel is called a lava tube or magma tube.
It's called a conduit.
a tube or vent tube

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Q: What is passage followed by magma?
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What the passage followed by magma in a volcano called?


A passage followed by magma in a volcano.?

It's called a conduit.

What are the vents in a volcano?

Vents in the volcano are passage ways for the magma, steam, and heat to escape the earth.

What sequence of events could lead Magma to soil?

Crystallization followed by exposure and weathering.

What sequence of events to lead magma becomeing soil?

Crystallization followed by exposure and weathering.

What sequence of events could lead magma becoming soil?

Crystallization followed by exposure and weathering.

What sequence of events could lead to magma becoming soil?

Magma can cool and solidify to form igneous rock, which then weathers and breaks down into smaller particles through physical and chemical processes. These particles mix with organic matter and other substances to create soil. Over time, as plant roots grow and break down rock further, the soil becomes more developed and conducive to supporting plant life.

What is the channel called that magma uses to travel toward the vent in a volcano?

The channel that magma uses to travel toward the vent in a volcano is called a "conduit." It is a narrow passage within the volcano that allows molten rock to move from the magma chamber to the surface during an eruption.

What is a magma conduit?

A Magma Conduit is hot fluid or semi-fluid material within the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed by cooling.

What is the crevice through which the magma bursts out of?

The crevice through which magma bursts out of is called a volcanic vent. It is a fissure or opening in the Earth's crust through which molten rock, ash, and gases are expelled during a volcanic eruption. Volcanic vents can vary in size and shape.

The order of parts through which magma out of volcano onto the surface?

The order of parts through which magma reaches the surface of a volcano is the magma chamber where it accumulates, followed by the central vent or conduit where it travels upwards, and finally the crater or vent at the surface where it erupts and flows out as lava.

Correct order of decreasing magma viscosity?

The amount of viscosity present in magma depends on the amount of silica it has. A composite volcano produces rhyolitic lava which is very thick. A shield volcano produces a basaltic lava with less silica and significantly less viscosity.