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Q: What is outer covering of a leaf?
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What is the feature that helps the leaf insect in camouflaging?

outer covering.

What is the outer covering of a leaf?

cuticle is the thick layer outside the leaf to prevent loss of water.

What is the outer cell layer of the leaf. It is transparent so sunlight can pass through?

The outer surface of the leaf has a thin transparent waxy covering called the cuticle

What is the outermost covering of a leaf?

epidermis is the outermost covering of the leaf

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Which group of animals do not have a outer covering?

Amphibians do not have outer covering.

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The outer covering of the eyeball is cornea.

What is the outer covering of bats?

Bat is a mammal, so it's outer covering is hair whereas bird's outer covering is feather.

Does camel has feathers as their outer covering?

Camels have hair as their outer covering.

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Tonoplast is the outer covering of vacuole

What is a seals outer covering?

A seals outer covering is thick skin.

What outer covering does an ant have?

an ant's outer covering is their exoskeleton