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Lesly Jaskolski

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2y ago
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15y ago

Some say "osmosis is the net movement of solutes from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through a semi-permeable membrane in a concentration gradient". And others say "osmosis is the net movement of solutes from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration through a semi-permeable membrane in a concentration gradient".

Now, I feel that the second definition is right in regards to plant root hair cells. Because outside the cell there are soil particles (solvent) and in these soil particles there are ions (Solute) which the plant needs. Therefore comparing the root hair cells which have a higher concentration because of the minerals and ions it has in contrast to the solutes (ions) in the soil particles which have a lower concentration and a higher water potential, then in order for the plant to absorb the things it needs osmosis takes place to make the concentration gradient equal. So the concentration gradient moves from a region of low concentration to a region of high concentration through a semi - permeable membrane. But I'm not sure if I'm right, it's really confusing. Please help!



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13y ago

Osmosis is the movement of molecules from the outside of a cell to the inside of the cell. The plant cell membrane is permeable, meaning it allows the transfer of certain liquids and molecules through the plant wall. Osmosis occurs in all plants.

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12y ago

because of the little elves in your hair run to the roots and take the water

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Q: How does water move from soil into root hair cell?
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Why does water move from the soil into the root hair cell?


Why water moves from the soil in the root hair cell?

Water moves from the soil into the root hair cell through a process called osmosis. This occurs because the root hair cell has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding soil, causing water to move passively into the cell to balance out the concentrations. This allows the plant to absorb essential nutrients from the soil along with the water.

How does the shape of the root hair cell help to do its job?

The shape of the root hair cell increases its surface area, allowing for more efficient absorption of water and minerals from the soil. The elongated shape also helps the cell to penetrate between soil particles, enhancing nutrient uptake.

What is the structure of root hair cells?

The root hair cells has a special structure to help it absorb water from the soil efficiently. 1. Elongated structure that protrudes out to the soil - This is to increase the surface area to volume ratio; thereby increasing the rate of uptake of water from the soil to the cell. 2. Large vacuole - The root hair cell has a large vacuole to maximize the amount of water capacity of the cell; thus, the cell is able to absorb and store more water. 3. Cell sap - The cell sap of the root hair cell has a lower water potential than the water in the soil. Thus, the water from the soil moves into the cell via osmosis.

What passes through the cell membrane in a root hair cell?

water and mineral salts are obtained in the soil and are absorb by the root hair cell

Function of root hair cell?

To absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

What part of a root hair cell takes water out of the ground?

The cell membrane of a root hair cell contains protein channels called aquaporins that facilitate the movement of water into the cell from the surrounding soil. This allows the root hair cell to absorb water and essential nutrients from the soil for plant growth.

How is root hair cell different from the plant cell?

one Carries water and hair dosent

What is the function of root hair cell?

The function of the root hair cell in plant is to absorb water and mineral salts.

Why water moves from the soil to the root hair cellexplain?

Water moves from the soil to the root hair cells through a process called osmosis, where water molecules move from an area of high water potential (soil) to an area of lower water potential (root hair cells). The presence of a concentration gradient between the soil and root cells and the selective permeability of the cell membrane facilitate this movement of water.

Describe the movement of water and mineral salts into the root hair cell?

Water and mineral salts enter the root hair cell through osmosis and active transport. Osmosis allows water to pass through the cell membrane from an area of higher water potential to lower water potential. Active transport uses energy to move mineral salts against their concentration gradient into the cell.

Can you label a root hair cell?

A root hair cell is a type of specialized plant cell that is found in the roots of plants. It is responsible for increasing the surface area of the root to enhance water and nutrient absorption from the soil. The long, slender projections of the root hair cell are called root hairs.