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Organophosphates are used in pesticides, herbicides, and nerve agents that have shown to cause cancer and other diseases in humans. They have been shown to harm beneficial insects such as bees.

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4mo ago

Organophosphates are a class of chemicals commonly used in pesticides, insecticides, and nerve agents. They work by disrupting the nervous system of insects and pests. However, they can also be toxic to humans and other animals if not used properly or in high concentrations.

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Q: What is organophosphate?
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How do organophosphate pesticides work?

Organophosphate pesticides attack the nervous system of insects and animals leading to death. These are dangerous.

Why does organophosphate poisoning cause muscular paralysis?

Why does oranophosphate poisoning cause muscular paralysis? Why does oranophosphate poisoning cause muscular paralysis?

How can you be exposed to nerve agents?

Both military nerve gases and organophosphate insecticides are nerve agents. It is highly unlikely you will be exposed to military nerve gases, unless you were near the front lines during a war in which they were used or you were trying to help treat wounded soldiers that had been exposed to them. Every time you use an organophosphate insecticide to kill pests you expose yourself too.

What has the author R Derache written?

R. Derache has written: 'Organophosphorus pesticides' -- subject(s): Organophosphate Insecticides, Organophosphorus compounds, Pesticides, Toxicology

What products contain organophosphate?

Organophosphates are a wide range of products that act on an insects central nervous system. The vast majority of residual insecticides are organos.

Is fiprinol an organophosphate?

No. It works by blocking the Chloride channels in nerve cells, causing over-excitation. Has a much higher affinity for insect than mammal Cl channels

A mysterious gas was released and your unit has been deployed to assist in the relief When you arrive you notice that some victims are drooling and others are coughing and vomiting what type of agent?


What medication is combined with mark1 or atnaa kit?

Atropine is combined with pralidoxime chloride to counteract organophosphate poisoning (used in some but not all modern nerve agents as well as insectocides).

Can you list all systemic insecticide brands?

Anything classified as an organophosphate. No one can list them all, but these effect an insect's nervous system. Orthene, anything containing pyrethrins, for example.

Explain the mechanism by which organophosphate poisoning occurs?

I don't know how detailed an answer you want, but here's the overview:Organophosphates irreversibly bind to the enzyme acetycholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase is responsible for breaking down acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholine is part of the mechanism that causes muscle contractions. At normal bodily levels, this allows us to move, breathe, and digest food. However, if the enzyme that breaks it down (acetylcholinesterase) is chemically bound to something else (organophosphates) then acetylcholine builds up in the body. This can cause muscle spasms, nausea (if it affects the gastrointestinal tract), seizures, difficulty breathing (if it affects the muscles that control expansion and contraction of the lungs), among other things. If exposure levels are high enough, organophosphate poisoning will cause death. I know that some treatments for organophosphate poisoning exist, but I do not know what they are, or how effective they are.The body will continue to produce acetylcholinesterase, but if there are still unbound organophosphate molecules, they will take up this amount of enzyme as well, thus continuing the toxic effects even after exposure has been stopped.I hope this answered your question.

What is an organophosphate pesticide?

A pest-killer that contains organic compounds, includes phosphorus and operates neurotoxically describes an organophosphate pesticide. The pesticides in question functioned in nerve gases. They tend to be used nowadays as fire retardants and in insecticides, such as in mosquito abatement schedules in public parks, even though they disrupt messages from the brain to nerve endings and link to behavioral and emotional changes, cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, permanent brain damage and premature births.

Does all poison affect humans?

No. Organophosphate pesticides kill insects not humans because humans can break them down. But other organophosphate poisons called nerve gases kill both insects and humans. This same effect is true for many other poisons, some organisms can break them down while others can't. Bacteria and some plants are killed by antibiotics that damage cell walls. But animals and fungi are unaffected by antibiotics as their cells lack cell walls.